What's really moving these markets
Biden oil

Biden vs. Big Oil: How to play the faceoff

The word "recession" is being thrown around a lot—but don't let it scare you. Plus, why it's time to start picking away at small caps... One country ripe for investment... Big Oil vs. Biden... And energy plays to consider.

rising rate

How to invest for the Fed’s higher rates

The Fed has raised interest rates by 75 basis points—the largest hike in nearly three decades. This new, higher-rate environment calls for an updated investment strategy. Here's what to invest in—and what to avoid—as rates continue to climb.

Federal Reserve

The Fed is (finally) doing the right thing

The Fed's interest rate hike is a move in the right direction—but there’s still a lot of work to do. Plus, why it’s time to start buying stocks... How rising rates will impact homebuyers... And crypto's incredible long-term reward profile.

cash currency

The Fed is holding the markets hostage

The shocking Consumer Price Index (CPI) reading and the resulting selloff... How the Fed is rattling the markets... And what to expect from tomorrow's Fed meeting. Plus, what's causing crypto investors to panic?

food inflation

How to make inflation work for you

Inflation is raging, especially in energy and food prices. But rising prices are generating surging cash flows for a handful of companies. Here's how to spot the best stocks for high inflation... and an easy way to buy them.