What's really moving these markets

These 2 stocks are ‘screaming buys’ (urgent)

Is inflation heading down? … Why the debt ceiling debate spells trouble… Trump’s spot-on comments on Macron… Are EVs as green as advertised? … And one airline is a screaming buy. Plus, this defense sector pure play is practically recession-proof.

The global revolt against the U.S. dollar

How China is leading the charge for a new world reserve currency… Why you should be concerned about the U.S. dollar’s status… And 2 assets that will soar amid a global financial revolution. Plus, an alarming stat about consumers.

The death of the dollar?

Why you should focus on large caps right now—and several names to watch... 3D printing is making a comeback... And why Bitcoin will be the next world reserve currency. Plus, shares of this retail leader are a bargain.

How to take advantage of a declining market

A recession is inevitable... and that means we need to be prepared for more downturns. Fortunately, there's a simple way to outsmart the market... and build a strong, profitable portfolio that can handle all conditions.

Everyone hopes for this

Why the latest rate hike won’t make a dent in inflation… And the drastic (mis)step the Fed should avoid. Plus, this week’s Dollar Stock Club pick is an industry leader set to benefit from higher interest rates.

What to buy as we head into a recession

As we face recession, you may be tempted to stay on the market sidelines—and keep your cash safe. But you don't want to exit the market altogether. Genia shares three assets that will allow you to profit during a recession.