What's really moving these markets

If you’re bullish, you’re crazy

Why record Black Friday sales will force the Fed to keep hiking rates... Why investors can’t rely on China for growth... Why the bullish argument for stocks is insane... And how to protect yourself—and make a fortune—as they crash.

5 lessons for a profitable 2023

To help you prepare for the year ahead, Genia's sharing her most valuable investment advice of 2022—from the best inflation-fighting assets to building portfolio insurance... and more.

Why you can’t trust this rally…

Frank rants about buying a new car and what it says about the current economy... Why the latest market rally can’t last... And how to make a fortune from a stock market crash.


How to fight back against a falling market

You might think it's too late to start hedging in the middle of the market selloff... But nothing could be further from the truth. Here’s how you can design "portfolio insurance" to protect yourself—and profit—during market selloffs.