Wall Street Unplugged
Episode: 1192November 13, 2024

Trump’s controversial cabinet could send stocks soaring

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Wall Street Unplugged | 1192

Trump's controversial cabinet could send stocks soaring

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0:00:02 – Daniel Creech

Wall Street Unplugged looks beyond the regular headlines heard on mainstream financial media to bring you unscripted interviews and breaking commentary direct from Wall Street right to you on Main Street.

How’s it going out there? It’s Wednesday, November 13th, and you’re listening to the Wall Street Unplugged podcast, where Frank Curzio normally breaks down and tells you what’s really moving these markets. But have no fear, Frank is not missing, he’s just traveling. So I, Daniel Creech, normally co-host here, often on Wall Street Unplugged and behind the mic today holding the fort down. Yes, Frank once again has left the entire company in my hands, just kidding. And even if he did, it has left the entire company in my hands, just kidding. And even if he did, it’s only for the next 30 minutes or so.

Thank you for tuning in. You’ve made a great decision and I want to break down a couple of things here. First of all, the melt up and the melt down continues. Markets are melting upward or near all time highs, especially Bitcoin. Get to that in just a moment.

But the meltdown also continues and you got to learn to laugh at this people. Humor is such great medicine, laughter is such a great medicine. And if you’re unhappy with the election results, I understand. I have been there. It wasn’t very long ago when we saw a big blue wave sweep across everything. And if it weren’t for West Virginia, what is it?

Joe Manchin, who held the line and cut some spending or held off on some passing spending bills, not cut spending in the mainstream media continues its meltdown over Trump’s victory. What looks like to hold the House as well as, in addition to the presidency and the Senate. But, wow, the social media and I try to take everything with a grain of salt when you come across social media and such like that. But you talk about two polar ends of the spectrum here and I was hoping it was a joke. But did anybody see this social media post? The viral couple that is getting divorced because the husband voted for Trump and the woman the wife obviously didn’t, and then she was on video saying that divorce wasn’t enough and she was going to sleep with his friends and all that kind of stuff. In addition to that craziness and silliness, we have the 4B movement and I have to confess here.

I wasn’t aware of what this 4B movement is and quick intranet and Google machine search. It’s evidently from South Korea and it translates at least. It does have four words that start with a, b, as the name would imply. I’m not even going to bother trying to butcher these or pronounce these, but it translates to no marriage, no childbirth, no dating and no sex with men. Now I don’t know. I didn’t make these rules. This is fairly new to me. I don’t know about sex with other genders or people. Some people think that’s up for debate. I don’t know what this says about gay or lesbians Not my bag baby, so we’ll just have to figure this out.

But a subscriber made me laugh out loud and you know we’ve all been guilty of this. Sometimes you text back LOL. Lol means laughing out loud for you those of you not in the texting hip circles. But we’ve all texted it back and probably not literally laughed out loud. But I got an email from a subscriber about this 4B movement and was wondering if Black Decker sales for their batteries were going to go higher.

Now we try to talk stocks here. So if you want to look at Stanley Black Decker, it’s SWK. It’s well off its highs here. Recently it was over $110 in October. It sold off under $90. Maybe this do-it-yourself, go-at-it-alone movement will lead to an increase in batteries, and or we’ll look for publicly traded adult stores, I guess, and accessories. But anyway, see, we cover everything here on Wall Street, unplugged, 4b, even from an economic perspective.

And divorce. Hopefully, if you did vote separately from your spouse, you can kiss up and make up, you can move along and realize that maybe there are bigger things to continue worrying about. All right, enough of that silliness. What I want to talk about, on switching gears to something serious here, is even though markets and let’s do a quick market check it is just after 1030. So markets are holding in there, but we’ve had an excellent post election rally near all time highs in Bitcoin and markets, and I want to explain something here because, honestly, I don’t think anybody is bullish enough and I want you to understand something with me because I’m not. You know Frank likes to talk about following the data, interpreting the data, not getting hung up on emotions, but, you know, sifting through the BS and figuring out the reality of the situation, whether or not you’re happy with the elections, whether I got some text, your guy won or your guy lost, or this part, blah, blah, blah.

The opportunity in front of us as a government, as a nation, as an economy, is probably one of the fattest pitches, slowest pitches, we’ve had in a long time. And I’m not saying that just because quote unquote Republicans versus Democrats won. I’m saying that because you have a paradigm shift in the thinking about government for the first time, in my opinion, a very, very long time. And what I mean by that is you now have in some ways it’s kind of an odd blessing that Trump didn’t get elected four years ago because he has to have learned so much more about the system, the inner workings of politics and such like that. And now the real opportunity for change is here and it’s easy to say what you’re going to do and it’s easy to know what steps that need to be made, but obviously it’s very difficult to get it done. There is a tremendous amount of pressure, there’s a tremendous amount of money and teams and you know friendships and backstabbing and all that and politics. But what’s wild here is that. And just look at the way the media is taking cabinet positions and the way Trump’s team is forming and how they’re reacting and they they keep talking about oh well, this guy doesn’t have any government experience, or who is this guy and what did he do? And it’s just Trump filling a bunch of his friends and whoever pats him on the back. Well, everybody’s going to obviously appoint like-minded or like thinking minded individuals. You do want some people to push you back and you know, keep you grounded.

But if we actually reform government and let’s get to the Department of Government Efficiency and led by Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy, I don’t know if this is actually going to take hold. So this may not happen. But let me explain why nobody is bullish enough. If you would, just let’s go down this rabbit hole with me and just let’s dream about some common sense actually getting implemented and what we would have here is, according to the latest some of October and latest economic I was on Zero Hedge and looking at different things there’s over 23 million jobs in the government. That is a huge amount. Remember it was one of the largest increases in government workers back in the September. That came out in October jobs release, if memory serves me correct, and it jumped by a couple million. But Vivek was talking on a podcast about how just cutting and doing mass layoffs on the government side and listen. I’m not cheering anybody to just get fired. I’m not hoping anybody is out of a job in our government and government spending and that’s just kind of the accepted norm now.

Ah yeah, well, politicians lie. Ah yeah, we blow money on this. Yeah, we print money and do this stuff and it’s all silly and everybody just kind of takes that and goes with it. And you know what causes people to question that or to kind of stop and say, hey, isn’t there a better way or can we change? It’s the economy slowing down, it’s inflation rising like crazy, it’s people stressing out about their incomes not keeping up with the price of goods and services. And so now we had that COVID inflation hit because we printed money and handed it into the hands of people in the economy. And now we have such massive debts and deficits that interest rates are feeling and getting squeezed because of the interest in debt, and those are starting to get a lot of attention, as they should.

But here’s the thing If you actually send the signal and start cutting government jobs and cutting government waste, there would be a massive re-rating across interest rates, across bond markets, across growth rates, across market multiples. It would be absolutely phenomenal. And you do have to kind of throw out. History often rhymes. It may not exactly repeat itself. And listen, I’m not just saying, hey, go all in and it doesn’t matter about valuations and such. I’m simply saying, if we send the signal to actually cut government spending, just give the hint that we are going to get our financial house in order, just a flying Florida bit, just a tiny Florida bit, it would absolutely be massive and it would be contagious and it would cause this higher growth mindset and this unleashing of entrepreneurism and exceptionalism and hard work and the emotion of this I can attitude, and it would just be absolutely incredible. So, and it’s not difficult, listen, it may not get implemented. We’re going to have to wait and see. We’ll hold them accountable.

I love what Musk and Vivek are talking about. I love a lot of the appointments that are happening only because they’re not government bureaucrats, they’re not career politicians and they have different ideas. And if there’s one takeaway I think there is, if there’s one takeaway to really notice or to not ignore from the results of the election, is that people want to change. They thought that whatever direction we were heading in isn’t the best. So let’s change it up. And how do you change it up? You appoint people from outside circles, but like-minded, and can just be a conservative to approach of business, not conservative in the sense of right versus left, conservative common sense in the terms of business and thinking alike. So what we have here is a re-rating in multiple so right now you could say, well, the markets are expensive according to its five and ten years, but it’s all about growth and from here until Inauguration Day on January 20th, there should be a lot more good news and a lot more excitement about who’s going to be appointed, what kind of policies are going to be implemented and such, and we’ll talk more about this as the podcasts unfold when Frank gets back.

But email me your thoughts. What do you think would happen if the world was on notice that the United States was actually going to reform or cut spending and focus on actual common sense growth? Daniel at CurzioResearchcom, I think that it could absolutely unleash a bull market not seen in generations. And I do think that it could absolutely unleash a bull market not seen in generations. And I do think that it is one of the most exciting times because, for the first time in a long time, you can actually implement big, major changes at the government level and we’ll see if that happens.

Speaking of not being bullish enough and some big ticket items here I want to talk about Bitcoin in detail. Just for a moment, let’s do a quick price check on the old Bitcoin. I will get to a couple of stocks here. Bitcoin is just under $92,000, so it’s approaching another all-time high. Of course, that’s what it does. But speaking of not being bullish enough, I think that so you have this one opportunity on the government side and cutting spending and getting serious about that With the people that are elected, the political power, excuse me of crypto right now is just absolutely impressive.

I mean, it’s basically like the Incredible Hulk of comic characters right now. Bitcoin wouldn’t the Hulk you’ve seen the trailer for a new Hulk that looks like he’s red but wouldn’t like a golden Hulk, be cool like a golden Bitcoin Incredible Hulk just smashing everything, taking out price targets. You know, saving the financial world, according to some. But Cynthia Loomis, the senator out of Wyoming, has retweeted this. She’s never been more bullish about Bitcoin and she’s on record from tweets and again take everything with salt, but saying that in the first 100 days we could get some serious legislation passed around Bitcoin, even a Bitcoin reserve, and if the United States does a Bitcoin reserve, strategic reserve, and they pledge to buy any amount, forget the amount for a moment, forget the dollar amount or the Bitcoin amount. The very idea just like cutting government spending and getting your house in order the very idea of getting back to sound money, or at least approaching the concept of some value or sound money with Bitcoin from a government perspective, is man I’m trying not to just be the biggest Florida cheerleader in the world, but that to me, I mean what are some of the biggest financial events we’ve had in our history? We’ve had, and I know there’s several, but let’s just start 1913 with the Federal Reserve, and then you have August of 71, when Nixon cut the gold standard off. I honestly think that a Bitcoin strategic reserve, the idea of that is as big as the 1913 Reserve Act or Nixon cutting the gold standard in 71. As the 1913 Reserve Act or Nixon cutting the gold standard in 71, because it would essentially re-rate the way people view and think about money.

And I’ve often said, one of the best things, if not the best thing, about Bitcoin, in my opinion, is the conversation. It leads to the questions that it causes people to ask, when explaining it, when researching it and when talking about it Well, what is money? Where does money come from and how is it used? And why is this used and why is that and what’s the value there? Blah, blah, blah, blah blah. Because if the United States does this, or hints at it, and we start holding Bitcoin, like MicroStrategy has, and you start to see this constant demand, you got to remember.

The fundamentals of Bitcoin aren’t changing. It’s still the same old story and that is a Florida beautiful thing. It’s still a fixed amount, it’s still divisible, it’s transferable, it’s transportable, it’s sound, it’s not controlled by a central entity. It checks off all of these boxes. And now, if you have this momentum and this stamp of approval between the United States government, that is just absolutely and price targets. You know, if you start thinking in those terms and you’ve heard the expression when the US sneezes, the world catches a cold. We are a global, intertwined economy, whether you like it or not, and that is okay and it is true. If we sneeze, the world catches a cold and we are impacted by other things globally as well.

But if the United States government says we’re going to hold some of this Bitcoin as a strategic reserve. What the hell else do you think everybody else is going to do, I mean? And then we get to gold gold selling off. Why is gold selling off? Well, I think gold is selling off a little bit because gold is a great chaos hedge and, believe it or not, despite what the media tells you about Trump being the second coming of Hitler, people are obviously looking for less chaos in the future in the markets, which is why that commodity is going down, and the way that corporations and governments could start allocating to Bitcoin would be a I mean, the paradigm shift is not even the way to explain it. It would be an unbelievable breakthrough and price targets of 150 to 250 to 500,000 or more, michael Saylor’s at that, 13 million, you know, whatever time zone.

All that stuff comes into play because, again, you have a fixed amount and you have all these sound principles and it would just really be off to the races. It’s not going to go up in a straight line, but you want to have that mindset, or at least be thinking through this opportunity as it unfolds, because it is one of we are. We have such a tremendous opportunity to make real, sound fiscal change and it could unleash American exceptionalism and global growth for decades to come. I just I’m telling you it’s watch the market start tanking right now, but with the momentum and the ideas that could be implemented over the next coming months and year or two, combined with this animal spirits roaring and you have this freedom to go out and work towards whatever you want, you have an easing regulatory environment that is business friendly versus anti-business in general, you can have lower taxes, you can have more leaning towards sounder money and these ideas of building strategic reserves, and it would just absolutely throw everything out that you’ve read about in the past.

That new amount of growth rate and re-rating on both market valuations bonds and yields and interest rates would be absolutely incredible, and what they ought to do they being the Trump team is get ahead of this, and here’s what they need to focus on, in my opinion. If they were calling Daniel Creech to cabinet meetings or the Oval Office to get my opinion, here’s what I would explain. If Vivek is successful and starts cutting government spending, you have to get out in front of this and explain to the American people that there is a major difference if the unemployment rate goes from, say, 4% to 6% and if that 50% increase from 4% to 6%, if that is because the private sector is losing jobs, that is a huge difference versus if the government sector is losing jobs and again, I’m not gleeful over anybody losing their job but what would happen is they would get severances, they would get paid because governments are always looking down the long term. You know how these politicians say well, if we cut a dollar here, in 25 years it’ll reduce the deficit by X amount. Anybody that’s going to get let go is going to get severance, is going to get paid, is going to get unemployment. And then they get to take those talents and they get to compete in the private sector, they get to pursue other opportunities and dreams and they get to add to the working pile and the capitalist system not take it away. Not that they’re greedy or wrong or bad, it’s just the balances of government versus private sector. And I’m not anti-government, so hold your emails, actually send them to me. It’s beneficial to you to get it off your chest.

Daniel at CurzioResearchcom, and just know that every mainstream media outlet is not going to just suddenly fall in love with Trump. They’re not going to agree that people want to change and go along with change. They’re going to continue fighting and standing for what they believe in, and whether or not that’s crazy to someone else or not, and to each their own. But you’re going to start seeing the negative headlines pour out about everything from unemployment to GDP slows down to these tariff talks and how this could impact the little guy in the Main Street economy. And it’s just for fat cats on Wall Street and all this me in it’s just for fat cats on Wall Street and all this.

But the Trump team can get ahead of this and explain if unemployment goes up because of the government cutting and getting its financial house in order, that is actually positive and it would be a short-term pain. It’s just ripping the band-aid off all at once and in a handful of months, as you would see, these talented individuals go out into the private sector and or start jobs, whatever. That will actually be a huge benefit and it’s all about growth. You know we have silly debts and deficits. Trump is not going to stop that right away. He should really cut the deficits and spending. We’ll see what he does in the short term.

But remember, for as much excitement as there is right now and markets melting up, it’s not going to continue for a straight line, but you want to have the mindset of buying pullbacks. You want to look at the biggest spaces that are offering the best risk reward, and right now that is hands down in the crypto space. So check out Crypto Intelligence. At CurzioResearch.com, Frank is doing absolutely great. He was excited about a Trump election being pro-crypto, not just because Republican Democrat. He was looking at it from an economic standpoint, from the crypto space. That is definitely coming to fruition. We’ve seen a lot of altcoins, as well as Bitcoin and Ethereum, really rally, so check out Curzio Research for that.

Now, amidst everything going on what I’ve just been talking about for the last 21 minutes we also have some earnings going on. We have the CPI numbers out this morning. I may wait and hold those. Those were in line. Markets are holding up okay. We have the producer price index coming out tomorrow, and I also want to talk about a particular stock that’s been on fire lately. And I’m talking on fire, but before we do that, I want to give a shout out to our sponsor.

0:21:36 – Advertisement

Hey guys, today’s podcast is being sponsored by Bridge Tower. It’s a real estate investment company, an incredible track record and model of building, developing, acquiring a single family for rent and build to rent homes. It’s a market within the housing industry. It’s seeing incredible, incredible demand. It’s home affordability is out of reach for most American families. So what do they have to do? They have to rent.

It’s now Bridgetown and this is the very first time they’re doing this guys. They’re opening up a new fund for retail investors that are accredited. So you don’t have to have $5 million in a BlackRock account or Goldman Sachs to get into this fund. These guys are very, very credible returns, know this market inside and out Companies like KKR, Walton Street Capital. They’re not going to partner with everybody. They did partner with these guys.

So this new fund comes with really, really good terms for those seeking growth and income. And yes, I vetted it and yes, I’m investing in it. So you’re going to get incredible yield with the opportunity for capital appreciation. So this is a great, great name. It’s run by my friend, george Wong, who’s a co-founder of this fund Incredibly brilliant guy, senior analyst at Sabertooth Capital and billion dollar Tiger Hedge Fund. I mean, this guy’s been everywhere. He’ll hop on a call with you to answer any questions you have. So here’s the website you see who’s scrolling through it, or you can call him direct at 469-963-2550. And my friend George will get on the phone with you personally.

0:22:53 – Daniel Creech

That’s Bridge Tower Group. If you want more information, go to Bridgetowerinvest.com. That’s Bridgetowerinvestcom. All right, turning to stocks here.

This is a Wall Street Unplugged podcast. We’re going to talk about some stocks here. So Kava Group absolutely blew out the numbers on its earnings. Today. You can see this FinViz chart is showing up about 11% down off of its highs. But this company is just astounding in the fact they’re Mediterranean food dishes.

And shout out to a couple of my friends at a local cigar bar. They’ve been talking about this for, oh man, I don’t even know what price. They first told me about it, but it has just been on an absolute tear. I know it was under a hundred by the first time well, under a hundred when they told me that. So shout out and kudos to them. The impressive thing here in the food industry businesses. We’ve talked about the Starbucks and Chipotle thing, but it may seem like silliness or too much common sense or a too simple strategy, but providing a great product and taking care of your customers is a winning strategy. And again, look at this chart here for more proof.

Now this is a great lesson in valuations because as we scroll down on FinViz, this is trading at a forward price to earnings, multiple forward PE of 281.91. Holy hell, who in the world would be buying this stock up here? Well, as Frank likes to educate you and I’ve even learned this over the last couple of years and investing and taking my lumps you don’t want to just focus on PE and valuations, you want to focus on the growth and the kicker here, the real secret sauce pun intended, I don’t know what you eat in the Mediterranean cuisine, maybe no secret sauces, but what’s really astounding here is the same stores or comparables that they’re putting up and they keep raising those. So they were saying, hey, we’re going to see same store growth or restaurant growth of, say, 12% to 14%. And they bumped that to over 15%, 16%, 17%. It’s just absolutely incredible. It’s the same situation that we’ve seen in other restaurants. And you look at like Shake Shack is a food stock that’s been working, kava has been working. And then you look at like your jack in the boxes not so much has been working. So it is about quality, it is about giving your customer. So not only are they seeing same store traffic increase, but they’re able to raise prices a little bit. So you’ve got customers coming back and willing to pay more. That’s a hell of a recipe.

If you’ve been in this I’m not, you know I was out of this. I wish I was in it. I just should have listened to those guys. But kudos to them and, like I said, if you’re in this making money, absolutely enjoy it. I wouldn’t buy it right here if I was just starting a position, but that’s okay, I’ve been wrong on this anyway. But, wow, kudos to the Kava group and its management team for putting up incredible, incredible numbers. All right, let’s see here.

Oh, last thing I want to talk about with the back to the Bitcoin for just a moment, because there is tremendous demand in from not only corporations. So Frank and I talked about MicroStrategy going to buy over $40 billion over the next few years in Bitcoin. And then, if the strategic reserve happens at the United States and they’re talking about buying a million Bitcoin or something over a number of years, the amount of demand on this fixed asset is going to just cause the price to absolutely go bonkers. And then you have the halving every four years and it’s just. It’s just gaining so much momentum that you want to definitely be and I’m going to talk more about this tomorrow on Wall Street Unplugged premium podcast, but Mara Mara Holdings Bitcoin miner. They reported earnings. They’re down about 4% right now. They reported earnings last night. I’ll go into this in more detail tomorrow, but what I want to focus on here is just the stock reaction and the trading reaction. So they missed earnings. The stock initially sold off 6% 8% Along with the Bitcoin rally. It was actually higher earlier today. Now it’s selling back off, but something to look for about how many companies are going to start adding Bitcoin to their balance sheet. These guys are holding some like the MicroStrategy. Microstrategy holds Bitcoin as well.

But I just think I know most of you guys listeners out there to Curzio Research, to Wall Street, unplugged to any of our newsletters. I’m sure all of you have some exposure to Bitcoin. But if you don’t, do not miss out. Do not make the mistake of thinking you missed this move, that it’s over, that every time I buy something, it’s just going to go down. You almost feel like the market’s waiting on you to act and then it’s just going to reverse and stomp you. I’ve been there. I felt like that, but don’t get stuck in that rut. You want to understand that.

Yes, there’s a lot of good things that could be implemented, that could really change the course of history and open up just an unbelievable growth spirits going forward from an economic standpoint that could be so robust and lift you know, a rising tide lifts all boats and it could just absolutely be incredible. We’ll see. Don’t get over your skis but, as of now, use the opportunities that we have. Use any pullbacks to add to your exposure. Look at the Bitcoin minings, look at your Galaxy Digitals and asset managers. Look at your ETFs, look at your spot Bitcoin and all that. But there is just a tremendous wave of optimism and excitement and you want to be a part of that. All right, just under 30 minutes, see, I told you, when Frank leaves me in charge, there is nothing to worry about, nothing to fear, but fear itself. I didn’t even get into global warming and start pissing everybody off and get people unsubscribing, so I’m learning everybody. Actually, I’m just saving that.

I’ll talk more about oil and gas. In fact, I want to tease something here because, back, I don’t remember when it first came across my desk, but I was going through an oil and gas company and I wonder if this particular company foreshadowed Donald Trump’s win in the election, because they raised their dividend. I’ll share the stock tomorrow. If I remember Wall Street unplugged premium, a whole $10 a month. Everybody Go to Curzio Research and sign up.

But there is a company and I’ll ask Frank this tomorrow about foreshadowing and such because an oil and gas company raised its dividend in the past, not too long ago, and then this is what caught me. They came out and they said that we are going to run our business in a sense of rewarding shareholders and efficiency, and so they raised their dividend to shareholders. That’s impressive. You want to say, all right, yeah, you can do that. The kicker here, the CEO, said we are prepared and to be profitable at sub $50 oil. Now this I believe when oil was still in the seventies. It’s in the high sixties now.

No-transcript. We’ll talk about more oil and gas stocks, why it still proposes or why you still have a lot of opportunities there, and the biggest holdings or the biggest opportunities right now are still with AI and with the power generation, with Bitcoin that can tie in together, and then with oil and gas and energy, as well as always finding great management teams that put great products and take care of their customers. All right, everybody. Hey, closing in on 30 minutes. Love me, hate me, don’t ignore me. Daniel at CurzioResearchcom. Daniel at CurzioResearchcom. Frank Curzio, the one and only, will be back tomorrow for Wall Street Unplugged Until then, cheers.

0:31:05 – Advertisement

Love this episode of Wall Street Unplugged. I think you’ll really love Wall Street Unplugged Premium. The Wall Street Unplugged Premium is my members-only podcast where I dive even deeper into this week’s events. Well, I’ll do even more than tell you what’s moving these markets. I’ll tell you specifically what moves you can make today. So this is going to be about trading. Put big money in your pocket right away due to the inconsistencies I see daily in the market.

I’m talking about specific investment ideas. I’m recommending and tracking each week that I believe will be impacted directly by everything I just talked about today. Plus, you’re going to get the chance to go even further down the rabbit hole with me and my co-host, Daniel Creech, as we discuss which of these week’s trends could turn into massive windfalls. Windfalls, the big trends that we see lurking on the horizon. Also, the news we’re picking up from our network of insiders, which has gotten bigger and bigger thanks to you and so many people listening to this podcast in over 100 countries. And you’ll get a chance to talk to me directly in my special Ask Me Anything Q&A session. All that and a lot more like premium interviews with world leaders in finance, technology, industry and politics. This is all part of Wall Street Unplugged Premium, and becoming a member is super simple and super cheap, so head on over to WSUoffer.com to check it all out. Sign up today and you won’t miss a thing. That’s WSUoffer.com.

0:32:34 – Daniel Creech

Wall Street Unplugged is produced by Curzio Research, one of the most respected financial media companies in the industry. The information presented on Wall Street Unplugged is the opinion of its hosts and guests. You should not base your investment decisions solely on this broadcast. Remember, it’s your money and your responsibility.

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