- A rant on credit card disclosures [1:26]
- Takeaways from Trump’s speech to Congress [7:47]
- My question for the Democratic Party [13:00]
- Why tariffs will be short-lived [16:13]
- Breaking down today’s ADP report [19:39]
- What would cause the Fed to cut rates this year? [22:29]
- The market selloff could end as soon as Friday [28:33]
- Our hopes for this week’s crypto summit [35:02]
- Simple math shows Bitcoin could soar to $200,000 [38:32]
- The biggest catalyst for Bitcoin [42:12]
- An amazing opportunity for accredited investors [44:21]
- Why is natural gas rising while oil is crashing? [52:36]
Editor’s note:
Frank is about to make his biggest private investment ever… And Curzio One members have the exclusive chance to join him in the deal.
The guys behind this deal have an incredible track record. Now, they’re poised to turn an $80 million rollup… into a $1.5 billion company.
Want the details?
Wall Street Unplugged | 1221
Tariffs won't last long
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0:00:02 – Announcer
Wall Street Unplugged looks beyond the regular headlines heard on mainstream financial media to bring you unscripted interviews and breaking commentary direct from Wall Street right to you on Main Street.
0:00:16 – Frank Curzio
What’s going on out there? It’s March 5th. I’m Frank Curzio. This is the Wall Street Unplugged podcast. We bring you the highlights and Tell you what’s really moving these markets. Mr Daniel Creech joining us again on Wednesday. How’s it going, buddy?
0:00:34 – Daniel Creech
It’s going great, Frank, how are you?
0:00:36 – Frank Curzio
I’m doing okay, considering the markets are crashing.
0:00:38 – Daniel Creech
Oh don’t worry about that Curdo’s crashing Tariff’s out of control, Frank.
Hey, I found an article I didn’t read because it’s not important, but this headline is all about you and where you come from, Frank. You, New Yorkers, is who I’m referring to. There’s a study. Like I said, don’t take this any further than you need to people. This is just something great before we get into something valuable. I have no idea who this is. This is simply a headline, but it’s all that you need to hear. Study swearing linked with increasing pain, tolerance and strength. That’s it so cuss all you want you, fellas. It makes you stronger and more badass, Frank.
0:01:13 – Frank Curzio
I don’t know about that. I curse a lot. I don’t know if I’m more badass or not, but I’ll take it that’s good.
Don’t go against headlines, Frank yeah it’s a headline, that must be true. It’s got to be true. If it’s in the media, it has to be true, that’s right. I want to start off with something. I have to start off with something.
Okay, now I get a lot of mail delivered to my house. I know about you guys and I never open up my mail ever, like I rarely right. And, and you know, my wife, the kids at home, I’ll have this massive pile of mail for the month and then they’re just like you got to take your pot, you got to take your pot. And then finally I’ll take it and just open it up and when I look at it, I throw out different things, right, I’m just like, okay, every flyer, I’m throwing out any credit card offer, I’m throwing out all this stuff and some things are mildly important and I’m like, oh shit, I should open that. But I just, I don’t know. I but I have a Capital One account and I open it up and it’s one page, that’s it. It’s one page. I open it up. I’m like what is this Capital One? And actually it’s a one-pager front and back about how Capital One takes my personal information and what they do with it.
And a lot of companies do this. If you know, when you get a computer, the default option is they take everything and give it to third parties. That’s the default option. You have to shut all the shit off, no matter what computer you get. Please do that the default option. And even though they say, well, you have to explain to people where all these their information’s coming, all this garbage. A lot of these companies do it anyway. Right, say default, but they disclose it. Like, for example, whenever you open up a website and you see it pop up and it says, hey, new disclosure agreement. If you click the Xbox not to see it, that’s an endorsement of okay, you read it. And now, trust me, you don’t want to read that new, whole, entire disclosure statement because it’s hilarious. They’re like we’re going to take all your information, we’re going to sell it to everyone. Everything, right, every website that you look at, that’s the whole world right now and companies are paying a fortune, especially when you look at the Googles, you’re looking at Meta AI. All these companies, these search engines, are taking everything from you because it’s worth a fortune now to have AI on it and that’s why they’re signing big deals with everyone.
So, anyway, I opened up the letter, I said let me see what this is about. And Capital One, trying to do a nice thing, says hey, this is Capital One’s, this is what we do with their personal information. So I just started reading. I was surprised. I just want you guys to look at this because I took a copy of it. I want to see it. So hopefully this gets to Capital One. You send it to Capital One.
So it says what does Capital One do with your personal information? It says federal law requires us to tell how we collect, share and protect your information, right. It says the types of personal information we collect and share social security number and income, account balances and payment and account transactions and credit card and other debt account transactions everything I fucking buy, everything that you buy in a credit card they share. Now then they go further and said reasons we share your personal information. And it says it’s capital one share and yes, clicked all the way through, right, all the way through here and they said for marketing purposes, as you expect, for joint marketing with other financial companies yes, for affiliates everyday business purposes information about your transactions, experience. Yes, we share that. For affiliates everyday business purposes information about your transactions and experience. Yes, we share that For affiliates, everyday business purposes. It says for affiliates to market to you and non-affiliates to market to you. Yes, yes, they share all the information, everything that you do, everything you buy, everything you do in a credit card.
So I’m like non-affiliates, right? I’m like like what the hell is non-affiliates? And let’s go to page two, because this gets better. You guys should look at this shit because it would really scare the shit out of you. If you really pay, maybe it’s better you don’t pay attention. Uh. It says how they show you information and they tell you use your credit card, debit card, pay your bills, uh. Or if you apply for a loan or you open an account, deposit money, they show us information.
So I looked at what non-affiliates mean. This is what non-affiliates wish they share the data to. They disclosed, they said, the definition of non-affiliates companies not related by common ownership or control. That could be financial and non-financial companies. Non-affiliates we share with can include insurance companies, co-branded partners, retailers, data processors and advertisers, advertisers which means every fucking company on the planet who’s willing to buy this stuff. They’re going to share it with the joint marketing. Also, our joint marketing partners include companies such as banks and insurance companies. So basically they get all their information and sell it and it’s such a big deal. We all kind of know they do it. I was just funny that I open up and they send it through mail, because I know most people like me don’t read mail anymore, so they’re not going to email to you and say how terms would change.
They probably looked at statistics right Now. They said, hey, we got proof, we send it to you. We’re taking all the information you got. We’re selling it, just like Google. That’s why I love Reddit. Now, I didn’t like Reddit. Reddit signed a deal with Google where they shared.
They basically gave them the API. The keys to the kingdom Said this is all of our data, everything. Everyone has a conversation. You have access to every. That’s what they’re doing with Core, that’s what they’re doing with everything, and that’s why you know why they’re spending so much on AI, right?
So the fact that they sent the same and they said they’re sending non-affiliates advertisers, which means every company on the planet it should really scare the shit out of you. I don’t know if it does, but it should really scare you. I don’t know if it scares you as much as it does, but the whole world knows what you’re doing every minute of the day, and now they predict since we’re creatures of habit what you’re going to do tomorrow, a year from now, five years from now. Believe me, they know every single thing. Everything’s out there.
Even if you click no on a lot of this shit, they’re still able to track you about it. There’s no laws around it. You’re saying. As long as you somehow prove that you send it to their email or send it through the mail, you could take all that information and sell it to whoever the fuck you want. And those names from someone who’s been studying AI. Those names used to be 25 cents, 50 cents. They’re probably like $5 a name right now. That’s how valuable those names are. So these companies are making a fortune through selling your names and selling your data, not just providing those services, which is pretty fucking crazy when you think about it.
0:06:46 – Daniel Creech
Mini rant there. But holy shit, that’s a great mini rant Not even seven minutes, and you already proved my cursing story. Holy shit.
0:06:52 – Frank Curzio
I mean, you know for Capital One. You know what. Look at Capital One being transparent, Frank Two ones. Fuck you. Seriously, I can’t say it better than that. You’re stealing everyone’s info. You know how many people have capital one. They’re the large critical company in the world. They already take it over, discovered the largest in the world is telling you that we’re taking all of your data and selling it to the biggest companies in the world, to any company that wants to purchase this information, anybody that wants to find out your transaction history, exactly what you buy, whatever, and they’re selling it. Holy cow. To me, that’s crazy.
0:07:19 – Daniel Creech
It’s crazy it is crazy, but it doesn’t shock you, you know what’s going going on. It’s just unfortunate to have it thrown at you.
0:07:25 – Frank Curzio
I guess the way they just disclose it, like I don’t even care. I know 99% of people are not going to read this, so let’s just send it to them, and you know the people that read it. You see how they’re fucking you.
0:07:33 – Daniel Creech
I say we go like Kramer and Seinfeld. We want off the mail system, Frank we don’t want, which is probably a good idea.
0:07:42 – Frank Curzio
So let’s get to another interesting topic that I’m sure is not going to rustle a few feathers Trump’s speech last night, the joint committees. I’ll just go right into it. What was your takeaway? I saw the whole speech. What was your takeaway of the speech?
0:07:58 – Daniel Creech
I thought it was what you should expect from Trump. He put out a social media tweet a day or so before saying he was going to tell it. Like it is, you had your typical divide. I think each party got what they needed for it. Trump got a lot of great lines and he got interrupted and clapped and, you know, introduced his special guest and different things. You had the Democrats sit there in unison they do stick together. You got to give them that. They didn’t stand for much of anything that I saw. They held up their signs and uh protested. Uh, how green or how somebody got kicked out so he got his.
You know that was all planned. This is all a well orchestrated play. People remember this is an act, this is a movie. People have parts to play, cards to read, things to do Um, don’t lose sight of that. And you know. So you got to give him credit. He got what he wanted. He got his five minutes of fame and you know pictures and things like that.
I appreciated Trump saying that there was going to be some. Did he say disruption or disturbance on? You know, talking about tariffs and such? I didn’t think he was over the top. I, you know I heard Jim Kramer make comments about how he was, you know, very forward or aggressive. I didn’t think he was over the top. I, you know I heard Jim Cramer make comments about how he was, you know, very forward or aggressive.
I didn’t think he was any more Trump than Trump normally is. To be personally honest with you, and you know he took his victory laps and did things. I. Just what I thought he should have handled on a little bit more was, hey, the bill’s passing, because in my opinion, you know, trump can take credit for everything. He didn’t address any negatives, so he didn’t say spending is still going on like crazy.
He didn’t do anything, you know, and of course he can do that, and both parties are just going to blame other people. And if this is driving you guys crazy, or if you’re just upset about this, take a deep breath, understand it’s a game and you just got to get through it. And, honestly, if you’re that nervous about the back and forth and the ups and downs, just lower your exposure. Don’t sell everything, but that’s the best way to handle this volatility and such. And honestly, what I wish he would have said was listen, we have this proposed budget. You know this one big beautiful bill going through. It’s already been in the Senate and it’s going back and forth between the House what Senate? And it’s going back and forth between the House. What I think he is laying out is you’re going to blame your opponents for everything until you get any bills passed and then, a few months after that. I think that’s the game plan. I thought he did good but honestly, I thought both sides got what they were looking for last night.
0:10:15 – Frank Curzio
Yeah, yeah. I mean, look, with the tariffs and everything, I think people are quick to judge and I think, look, he’s using tariffs, guys, and I’m going to be honest with you. I mean, he’s using tariffs. These aren’t going to stay on long. They’re actually talking about dialing them back again. Right? It’s just frustrating as hell because we have businesses that are actually freezing their business and they don’t know what to do. Right now, especially even with Doge coming out, they don’t really know what to do because they’re like, okay, is this going to get cut, cut, and with tariffs, are you going to move a plant? I mean, think about that. I mean, you basically went from zero to 25% to zero, we’re okay, and now you’re going back to 25% of Canada and Mexico. China’s going to be the back and forth forever and they’re in a position America where Mexico and Canada are going to hurt a lot, lot more. Before America hurts, america’s going to hurt, but not nearly as much as them. And that’s why you’re seeing which I think is crazy and I tweet about this at Frank Curzio is, if Mexico and Canada want to seem strong, stop following everything that Trump does, because as soon as he says 25% tariffs, we’re going 25% and Trump’s like we’re going to go further, then we’re going to go further because he’s dictating you, you’re following him, he’s making you. You’re reactive, right, you’re following him, he’s making you. You’re reactive, right, you’re not proactive. And it makes you look weak, like if I was China. I would say and I talked to this offline if I was China, I’d be like all right, you want to fuck around 75, 100% tariffs on rare earth minerals? That’s going to scare the shit out of the US. Okay, that goes into every single electronic device and they have a near monopoly on that. So there’s ways to show power and if you’re just following what the US is doing, it’s kind of like weakness.
But look, you know there’s a lot of things that people don’t talk about. You won’t find this anywhere on Google. You won’t find this anywhere on. You know liberal media sites and search engines. But you know, if you look at the banks, when it comes to Canada, right, you know Canadian banks operate here. We’re not allowed to operate there. You know they don’t allow us to export farm products. It’s a massive system, yet you know they import farm products. Their second largest import is cars and trucks 80 billion annually. The companies that make these cars are not Canadian companies. It’s Ford, chevy, gm, toyota, honda, right. So you know, do you know how much money flows through Vancouver? Have you ever been to Vancouver? Vancouver is like it’s like 40% Asian, 30% of that is China. You know a lot of craziness flows through Canada there, right?
So there’s ways to kind of like say, okay, look just down, okay, we’re going to make it fair. And I like the tariffs where, hey, if you’re giving us a tariff on something, we’re just going to reciprocate and do the same amount of tariffs on you, and I think that that’s fair, right, that’s fair all around. But you’re going to see, I think it opened up a lot more business channels than what we’re probably projecting, channels than what we’re probably projecting. Because if you’re watching the media, it looks like this massive trade war is going to happen. Holy shit, we’re going to have massive inflation. The market’s crashing. It’s temporary, it’s temporary. So that’s one of the things when I’m just about tariffs.
But when I looked at my biggest takeaway if you voted for Trump, you loved the speech. If you didn’t, you hate him even more. But the people that I saw in pink which is ironic that you were in pink, because a lot of the stuff that you support, which I think pink is representative of women, and a lot of things that you didn’t support, with women right, which I don’t understand. And not clapping at anything, shouting at times. To me that doesn’t represent the Democratic Party. It’s not the Democrats that I know and I think a lot of those people are fucking gone next election and they better be, because if they’re not, the midterms are going to be horrible for you.
Because you know, when it comes to America, one thing that we do love is being humble, right and humbleness Like if you lose, fine, you’re great. Even the Chiefs, you know. Hey, you know, eagles would better team, whatever I mean you go down. Got caught, robert Downey, drugs craziness. Mel Gibson everybody likes Mel Gibson. Now, all of a sudden, right, martha Stewart went to jail, she’s a huge.
Like when you’re humble and say, hey, you know what, I fucked up this and that You’ll always be forgiven. When you look at the last election, you have to look at it and say why did we get destroyed, destroyed, we got wrecked, and then take it, take it on the chin, move on, get better. And they’re not moving on. And those people who are still supporting DEI, men and women’s sports. Defund the police, no border control. Reduce sentences for criminals. Like 85% of Americans do not support that agenda.
Yet those people in that room support a lot of shit that most Americans don’t. And if those are the people you’re going to put up where you’re voting for as the person who’s going to represent you right, represent the constituents, you better watch out, because if they still feel that way, there’s like no remorse, there’s no like hey, we messed up, we got to do better. They’re still pushing the policies that everyone in America most people in America voted that they hated, which is why even people who don’t like Trump switched and said you know what? I’m going to vote for Trump this time and that’s why he won all the swing states. So it’s a long way to midterms.
Almost every midterm result comes in with the party that lost usually adds more seats in the midterm. It’s not going to be the case if these are the same people running for the Democrats. But Democrats, I know, do not support a lot of the shit that those people in that room support. You usually have the same arguments between republicans and democrats, but that’s an extremism right there and to see, like you know, you’re holding up signs and you’re pissed off and you’re shouting, and you know it was. You know al green, he should have. Just I wish he just stood there and didn’t get out. I wanted to see if they would have picked him up, just like carried him out. He was just like stand there, they. You couldn’t even really what he’s saying, but I just I don’t know. And they all left like immediately as soon as he said and god bless america.
0:15:25 – Daniel Creech
They all like right, of course, but like I said, that’s all staged, you know, that’s all just yeah.
0:15:30 – Frank Curzio
But look, you know you could get pissed off at him, but you know again, america voted and he he’s coming through with border control, what he said, tariffs, what he said doge. What he said woke the guy gone. Like he said he’s trying to stop the russia ukraine war. You know again, he’s not doing anything. That’s outside of what he said he was going to do before I got elected, when people elected him for so I think the people who voted for trump are very happy. If you’re looking at polls, which are all bullshit, that you don’t know what’s going on. I mean, there’s a cbs poll and I’m only saying cbs because cbs is is more liberal that that showed a 76 percent like approved his speech compared to 23%. And then I looked at another 20 polls just to see and all liberal sites said less than 50%. And if you’re looking at the conservative fights, they’re like it’s 70%. It’s just like it’s such a bullshit divide and stuff like that. It’s more about politics than us and people.
But a lot of things were said about the markets. A lot of things were said about tariffs. For me, when it looks at tariffs, guys, I’m telling you I wouldn’t worry about it. I said this before. They’re not going to happen. You’re going to see them Again. He’s got to push the issue, to say, hey, we’re going to do this. But it makes sense for everyone involved, especially if you’re looking at the other countries, to really say, okay, here’s what we’ll do to make things better Because, just you know, america is their lifeline. I mean, you know you’re selling most of your goods. If you look at, the three largest importers are the ones that we’re talking about tariffs which is China, which is Mexico, which is Canada. So he knows this and says, hey, you know what. I want to make it more fair, and I know we’re looking at Canada, I look at Mexico, I get a lot of emails how is?
America doing this and this and that let’s just have reciprocal tariffs. I think that’s really fair, because if you make it the same, everyone’s going to basically favor the US, because we’re the biggest economy and you know you’re going to be able to sell the most goods for our country. So it just makes sense, right, it makes sense all around. I don’t think there’s going to be a trade war. They’re asking me about tariffs. I’m like it’s hard to even write a report on tariffs and tell you anything other than mention on a podcast, because we did that with a 15-page report last time. It was one of the free report we provided in 2018 about tariffs when this holy shit went down and I think it was probably one of the most read documents that we’ve ever produced here and a lot of people start listening to podcasts and stuff like that. But it’s hard when he just flip-flops nearly every single week to write anything. But overall, if you look at long-term, this stuff’s not going to last and I think it’s. You know, I think you’ll see it really die down over the next 30, 45 days.
But yeah, you know, listen, a lot of people watch it. That was a big part of the news In terms of the market itself. Daniel, I don’t know if you saw the news lately. On the economic front, yeah.
I mean, holy shit, you’re talking about the Atlanta Fed, I’m assuming I’m talking about a lot of different things. So I mean we can start with. So what was under the radar was ISM manufacturing, which was about a week ago, maybe a little longer than that, and it was down to 50.3 to 50.8, which is like under 50 is contraction, over 50 shows expansion. So 50 is, like you know, that borderline number. So 50.3 of February no-transcript Prices paid was up significantly to 62.4 from 54.9, which was the prior one. Unemployment down into the contraction territory 47.6 versus 50.3. This is a big deal when you look under the hood, right, because you’re just seeing 50.3, it’s okay to unpaid attention. Those are significant, those three things I said. New orders in contraction prices 62.4 compared to 54.9, which is a prior. I mean holy shit, you’re seeing everyone raise prices. You even saw Best Buy come up and get hammered in their earnings and said, look, we’re going to raise prices a lot more. They’re going to raise prices, like I told you, they’re going to blame tariffs, even though it’s not going to be because of tariffs. Companies are going to need to raise prices because they just have to right. I mean their expenses are very, very high. They really milked it out and their margins have been very, very high for a while now. The jobs reports coming out Friday, which is a big deal, but only added 77,000 jobs compared to expected 145,000. Again, we’re going to wait till Friday to see. But Friday’s unemployment number is probably going to be the biggest deal from an unemployment number standpoint since probably the last two years. And I’ll tell you why. If it’s not good, we’re going to see the odds of a rate cut increase dramatically, which is not on the table right now I shouldn’t say right now. It wasn’t on the table like two, three weeks ago. Now it’s already starting to increase. The Fed Fund’s futures, as of yesterday, were pricing in an 87% chance of a 25 basis point hike in the June meeting. That’s around the corner. It’s not too far away, right. That was under 70% a week ago. If this number comes out terrible and we see more economic data that’s really weak you’re going to see the odds of a rate cut increase dramatically. Is that going to be a positive? I don’t know. I mean selling it. The economy’s not doing as good as we thought and when the economy it turns like this. But there’s data out there. And then you look at the Atlanta Fed, Daniel, which you talked about really quick, holy shit. I mean. This was 2.8% growth they were expecting for Q1, next quarter, and they’re pretty reliable, reliable when they get closer to the actual estimate coming out, which is still a little bit a ways. They revised it from 2.8 growth to negative 2.3% in a week. I mean, holy shit. And this gauge in early February showed gains as high as 3.9%. Now maybe this is due to tariffs.
Yes, but I cover economics. I try to make it really simple for you guys. I always say if I could teach an economics class, I wish I would love to teach it, because the way they teach you with bell curves and all this shit bores the hell out of people. And it really involves everything that we do. Right, it’s your neighbors. You know what cars are they buying next door and what kind of jobs they have, how much milk is prices you’re paying. You know how much are your bills. It’s just, it’s so amazing that you could really see what friends are doing.
But outside the economics that I followed pretty much all my career, I’ve never seen a revision like this, other than black swan events when it came to the credit crisis and COVID. And remember negative 2.3% two negative quarters GDP means recession and the R word is a very, very big deal in terms of this negative driver as a headline and you’re going to know everyone’s going to be. It’s going to be, of course, every media channel. They’re going to be blaming Trump, even though this is a lagging indicator. It could be. You know, it’s from, you know previous, but still it’s going to be everywhere. Which could, you know, hurt stocks and see stocks come down. But the economic data has not been pretty and some of this stuff is really outright scary that has just come out over the past few weeks.
0:22:26 – Daniel Creech
Yeah, the data is tilting toward the negative. No doubt the Atlanta Fed thing. I don’t mean to laugh as a funny thing, but I do have to kind of have a tongue in cheek here and ask them what in the hell they’re doing. Because they, as you said, Frank, they revised their forecast from minus one and a half percent to minus 2.8%. Okay, that’s an 86% jump. The point, Frank, not to just repeat you, they did it over the weekend One and a half percent. The negative rate was on February 28th. Okay, the last day of the month, two days later, they came out and lowered their estimate again. So, not sure what they got over the weekend, Frank. Maybe somebody got divorced or unhappy or something like that. But that is just absolutely hilarious.
Now when you look at, we have the Friday jobs number, like you said. I think that’s important. Rate odds I don’t know if you have the rate odds. Did you see them?
0:23:18 – Frank Curzio
on briefing yeah, I saw them on briefing. I copied it.
0:23:20 – Daniel Creech
That was the biggest one, so the ones in June the one in June, is really surging, and that’s really the next thing in my opinion. When you ask, hey, what changes this tide in selling to buying, or from bearish in the short term to bullish, this tide of changing and such and I want to explain, and let me just play like Jeopardy, I’ll give you the answer. Because of our Willy Wonka slash, elmer Fudd economy, Frank, the Fed has to come in and save the day. So now let’s play the game on when and what that happens. So Friday’s job numbers are going to be huge, because if we see a big spike, that’s going to get the Fed a little bit nervous. They’re going to have to jawbone and say something when is their next meeting? It’s the week of the 17th. They’re not going to do anything then, but look to see if any of their language or such changes, Frank. Then to see if any of their language or such changes, Frank. Then we have to get this catalyst and stocks moving.
We talked about coming off of a solid quarterly earnings report, officially kind of ending now, but already and you called this we need to see estimates come down. Why? Because if we continue to go in with high estimates and companies come in lower, the bar, we’re going to get absolutely smashed and wrecked again on asset prices. But if you look at FactSet just as their latest FactSet earnings insight that Frank always talks about it’s a free report, it’s a great report as of February 28th, Frank, they’re showing significant pullbacks in earnings expectations. That’s all good. I’m not sugarcoating anything. I’m not saying it’s not painful. Right now, we’re watching stocks come down. We’re getting closed out of some positions. However, you don’t throw in the towel at this moment because, as Frank said, this is not going to last for months or quarters on length in. You’re going to see a lot of this back and forth between their trade policies and such.
And quickly, if I may, Frank, let me just explain why we have complete leverage, as Frank has talked about. Because when you look at GDP, Frank, we are no doubt the king and I’ve pulled from a couple different AI chatbots here and also just the Google machine on the internet and our GDP and this is basically from Statista and the IMF GDP for the United States, about $29 trillion Okay, not bad. China, $18 to $19 trillion Okay, canada, $2.2 trillion. Mexico give or take $2 trillion. Now I’m not bashing them by any means. We’re not just saying, well, we’re bigger, so we’re better. Here’s the key on this reciprocal tax thing, and this is why the volatility is going to be at least through April 2nd, because you want to see what these deals are back and forth, Frank, everybody talks about tariffs and I have a quick bone to pick with CNBC, because I had them on in the background basically all day yesterday and they said very little informative or anything useful to me, because all they talked about was Trudeau and Trudeau. I love how you say that.
0:25:57 – Frank Curzio
Whoever his name is. He’s on his way out. I’m not even going to correct you. He’s such a scapegoat.
0:26:00 – Daniel Creech
I love the way you say it, that guy you know it’s easy to throw stones at losers like him, because the guy went on TV and act like a macho man, knowing he has what four or five days left in office when he made this speech. So it’s completely regardless. It’s just beyond hilarious. However, cnbc and everybody else keeps talking about tariffs and what’s this tariff rate and that tariff rate, and Trump, to his credit, has said listen, I’m going to treat tariffs like the VAT tax, value added tax or goods and services tax. When you look at value added taxes for Canada and Mexico, canada is much lower. Vat and GST taxes are about 5%, but it’s very odd on different products and such, and we do the same thing we can exclude certain items and all that kind of stuff. Mexico has a 16% VAT tax and then, if you look at what’s going to kick in April 2nd you look at the UK, you look at France, you look at Germany those are 20, 20, and 19% VAT taxes. That is a significant increase from the United States, which is zero. Now. The United States does about a 6.5% sales tax, but my point is it’s nowhere near even.
And just one last thing when you look at Canada and Mexico, which we’re in this big trade war right now and it’s pushing around asset prices. Canada exports 78% of their goods to us. Okay, that’s significant. You know how much we export to Canada? How much? 22%. Yeah, mexico sends 80% of their goods to us. Or, excuse me, they send 78% to us, 22% to the rest of the world. That’s Canada. Mexico sends 80% to us. Okay, that is significant.
0:27:37 – Frank Curzio
They can’t sustain this for long.
They can put up a good fight and they can say what they want, but the bottom line is, right now, they’re talking to Trump right now and trying to see okay, what do we need to do? What do you want? This way, we can get these tariffs done. It’s not sustainable and that’s what you need to know. It’s not the story everyone’s telling. I know if you, oh my God, it’s a trade war and Trump’s an asshole. It matters about stocks, right, and that’s what Daniel’s explaining. Those are really good statistics, by the way. Good job, Daniel.
0:28:00 – Daniel Creech
Hey, good for Statista. You guys just Google stuff you want to look at, put somebody the source behind them. That’s a good little hack. So yeah, do that, yeah.
0:28:13 – Frank Curzio
And look, you mentioned earnings and even earnings over the past few trading days. I horrible, right. I mean, you got Target, you got CrowdStrike, avv, portabend, numbers there’s a portfolio I worked a ton on it but it’s down Amber Carving and Fitch, which was like a big leader in retail. They just won Best Buy. Yeah, that stock got hammered. They’re going to raise prices considerably. Ross lowered guidance, walmart, duolingo, app and I would say, by Friday, I think this market’s going to turn. You’re going to see it end up a lot higher because there’s just a lot of catalysts right now in terms of talking about the tariffs and ending and again that’s in the news again and saying, okay, maybe we’ll just hold up a little bit, but that’s going to be quick, right? That’s something that I think is going to reverse. It’s impacting the markets now. I think it’s an incredible buying opportunity. The jobs number I think, if it comes in really, really weak, I think you’re going to see the market come down a little bit and then it’s going to be a reaction and say, holy shit, we finally got rate cuts coming right, which we thought were going to come, and then we just had this stubbornly great unemployment. We had an economy doing well. Now you’re seeing it kind of break down a little bit where the fed’s going to be, like you know again, it was really like, hey, we might not even cut this year. It was like four or five cuts like four or five months ago and then it went to like you know, one, two maybe. Now you’re seeing those odds go up. So if we get a weak unemployment report, I think you’re going to see, uh, the market sell off a little bit and then probably end the day strong and into next week strong. If we get a strong one, people are going to be like all right, the economy is good. I still think we’re so oversold. We’re extreme when it comes to VIX. We’re at oversold levels in the green field. We’re at really extreme levels right now in terms of stocks being oversold. I mean I saw someone post of how many stocks are down 10%. Like 1,500 stocks down 10%. There was lots of stocks down 20, 20%, 30%. I mean some of these stocks, some names are really getting hammered. Now, again, with that said, you’re looking at the catalyst. It’s when, not if, that these tariffs are going to come off and everyone’s going to be settled.
Trump officially signs a deal with Ukraine for mineral rights which is coming, and he wants to highlight that and make sure, which. By the way, I’m going to say something I mentioned to you, Daniel, where I don’t know if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. If you’re signing a deal for mineral rights and you have Zelensky signing it, he’s signing it because he wants more funding, right, he wants more weapons. He wants us to give him more weapons. If he does that, then he obviously doesn’t think the war is going to end. How’s it going to end the war? So if he really felt like, hey, we’re going weapons and Russia needs to know that we still have the US on our side, but you know, if they’re signing this deal, the US is signing this deal. To me, it’s an indication that this war is not going to end as quick as everyone thinks. I’m just saying that that’s what I believe is my opinion. I don’t from doge. You want a catalyst, right?
They’re talking about giving five thousand dollars back to everyone. Right now. It’s seven hundred dollars per person, based on the money they saved. I know there’s reports saying there’s no proof and this it’s all a fucking x. Just go on x, it’s all right there. Right of the stuff that they’re saving.
Uh, they’re saying five thousand dollars checks. This isn’t money printing. This is your money that you paid, that was allocated someplace that you’re going to get back if they give a check for five thousand as000, as I was talking about, even if it’s for $1,000. I mean, we saw what happened when you hand money directly to consumers during COVID, which never happens, right? We never see that really, maybe in tax cuts and stuff like that, but usually, even during a credit crisis, they gave the money to the banks. The banks decided who to hand that out to and they controlled it. That’s why we didn’t see massive inflation based on the CPI for so many years after the credit crisis. But COVID was different because we handed checks directly to the fucking people and said, hey, spend whatever you want, you don’t have to pay back. That’s why we have massive deficits. That’s a very big deal if you’re handing those checks. That’s a very, very big catalyst.
Again, note that the fear greed index and the VIX approach oversold levels. So, for a quick pop, the international markets also look positive After many, many years. On the performance. Quick fact here, which I thought was pretty cool 13 years in 2012 since the Eurostock 600 beat the S&P 500 in a calendar year when both of those indices closed green. Currently Europe is up, depending on which index you’re going to use, between 7% and 16% year. To date, already Nice, and we’re down almost 2% of the S&P 500. So you’re seeing demand, you’re seeing money flow into international just different countries, which is good. So there’s areas there I still expect strong earnings.
Even though we’re being revised, we’re still going to be growing much faster than historically on an annual basis and again, the chance of rates easing is huge. I mean that wasn’t on the table. Nobody was talking about. Wow, the Fed’s going to cut rates. Nobody’s talking about it. If this job report’s bad, you know the Fed’s going to be there.
Like Daniel said, you have to factor that in. People don’t want to factor it in because they hate it. They hate the fact that when shit goes bad or a bank does some stupid shit, that they get bailed out. I get it. I hate it. You, that’s fine. Our job is to make you money. If the Fed’s going to cut because they see the economy slowing, that’s going to be a boom to you know. Look what happened to mortgage applications. They just came out yesterday. Did you see them? Volume was up 20% last week because mortgage rates fell to their lowest level since December at 6.7%. Applications of refinanced homes jumped 37% for a week. They’re up 83% higher the same week compared to a year ago. So already you’re seeing rates start to come down a little bit. Now if they start cutting again, that’s not really factored in because no one was expecting the Fed to do that. Now that we’re seeing weak economic data, that’s on the table.
0:33:29 – Daniel Creech
So you know potential rates coming maybe and then you have what you know in Friday there’s going to be very big I was going to say why are you asking, or hinting that the markets could turn Friday? Frank, what’s up with you Friday?
0:33:39 – Frank Curzio
and I think one of the best things I think you’re going to see, which is because crypto has gotten annihilated, okay, and we got a lot of people on our newsletter pretty much at a wrong time, and that’s on me. We’ve seen things turn very, very fast in this industry no-transcript, and you’re seeing this sell-off in crypto that I think is going to turn. And on Friday, you’re going to see Trump holding the first ever crypto summit. Daniel, what are your thoughts? Because I think this is going to be a big deal the fact that he announced a strategic Bitcoin reserve, which you know a little bit on the table, but now he came out and said that you saw Bitcoin surge back to 95,000 and then pull back sharply. I don’t know why he announced a whole bunch of other cryptos. I thought that was terrible. I don’t know why he picking and choosing the government shouldn’t be in the job. Picking it’s Bitcoin, that’s it. I wouldn’t even do Ethereum, because there’s a lot of it’s actually a lot of better alternatives to Ethereum Plus Ethereum just got hacked right Really, really bad which is creating a problem with them whether they should fork or they should keep it the way it is centralized. It’s anyway. It should be Bitcoin.
I didn’t agree with Trump announcing like out of nowhere, just selecting some of these. You know cryptos, but you saw that go up tremendously last weekend. I think to me Trump is pretty pissed that happened. I think it’s going to be major announcements. This crypto summit is going to have a ton of big people, all leading CEOs. Dan, what’s your thoughts?
0:35:07 – Daniel Creech
Well, they definitely need something to come out of this meeting other than just your typical hyped up, and what I hope to hear is more structured content or deadlines around actual bills being passed. So hopefully they talk and educate or update us on stable coin bills, any type of regulation, what’s gathering momentum in the House and Senate? I know Senator Cynthia Loomis of Wyoming is a big component of all these Bitcoin strategic reserves. A lot of states are going into that. I believe Michael Saylor of strategy is going to be at this crypto summit. Hopefully he can orange pill everybody. So I do expect some price action and some movement, but I do think that we need to hear some deadlines.
I think Trump, who is a fantastic marketer I think he’s one of the greatest marketers of his time and generation. I don’t think you can deny that. You don’t have to like him to admit that but I thought he absolutely did a terrible job marketing the strategic reserve, like you said. I mean, he tweeted out and didn’t even include the biggest and most well-known and powerful cryptocurrency, and then it just looks, the optics look bad. Then you retweet and say oh well, you know, of course I like Bitcoin and Ethereum too, and it made me think you know and I’m not bashing Trump here, so don’t misunderstand but you got to call it like it is Trump is not looking out for the crypto community other than for himself through the crypto community, in my opinion, for the crypto community other than for himself through the crypto community. In my opinion and I’m okay with that because I believe they’re all, in politics, egomaniacs I think he’s the most honest about it, and why I say that is because if you go back to his Nashville comments, when he spoke at the Bitcoin conference in Nashville, Frank, you could tell he’s smart enough to know what it is, but he’s not into it. Because he said, yeah, you guys do whatever with your crypto and your other stuff and don’t sell it and all that kind of stuff. He’s there for votes and that’s fine. Now his family’s involved. He’s in it for money, that’s fine. I’m OK with that. I don’t care about people being selfish in a sense like that, but what I do think is I think the volatility around Solana and XRP and Cardano.
I think that’s a big mistake, that the optics again look pathetic because you’re only enriching those around there that hold those coins already, and so you’re going to have a lot of back and forth I think that deters from the actual moment but all you have to do is say listen, we got everybody in line, we’re going to pass meaningful legislation, we’re going to have regulatory clarity at the SEC level, and I would love for Trump to comment on when Paul Atkins is at least going to be confirmed and or get questioned on that kind of stuff. We saw Linda McMahon at the Department of Education get confirmed. That needs to keep rolling. So really I hate waiting.
I shouldn’t use hate, Frank, but I do have hate in my heart on this. I hate waiting on the government because we are so dependent on them. It’s pathetic, but that’s where we’re at right now. You need legislation, or at least momentum behind legislation, to get that next leg up Because, as Frank and I have already talked about, nothing in the crypto thesis has changed. I don’t give a shit if Bitcoin is 15,000 or 100,000. The idea and the thesis behind Bitcoin remains the same. That’s actually what’s so beautiful about it.
0:37:55 – Frank Curzio
So, to me, the thesis and I’m going to tell you because the people that are going to be at that meeting, Daniel, it’s all like the big CEOs, they’re going to be crypto czars David Sachs, cynthia Loomings, who is a big deal, head of the Senate Banking Committee on Digital Assets, and she’s the one that’s advocating and it’s pushed through to now. David Sachs is talking about this. Everyone within the Trump circle within crypto is talking about this. Other members of the committee about the strategic reserve that’s about to be created and she’s floating the idea, saying and pushing it through, saying that we want to buy 200,000 Bitcoin every five years to get to a million. That’s going to create the strategic reserve. I’m going to explain to you and please, if you get there, you want to send this to someone, feel free, because I don’t think people understand what this means. And this is why I was rushing to get people into my newsletter, because into the crypto newsletter, because Bitcoin, if they do this, is going to go to 200,000 and it’s going to happen probably within 12 months, maybe 18 months. And I’m going to tell you why. Because it’s about math.
And when you look at Bitcoin, okay, the last fork, another last fork, the last halving, right so when we halve the Bitcoin, which happens every four years, right so it reduces the supply growth. There’s a fixed amount of supply, we all know, right, 21 million around, whatever. It’s probably less than that because so many people lost Bitcoin and don’t even know what the hell it is. But at the last fork, right now, and at the last halving, there’s only 450 Bitcoins that are produced each day. If you’re on YouTube, I got this nice picture up and just had my designer actually do this so you could see it Only 450 Bitcoin are produced each day. If you multiply that by 365 days, that’s 164,250 Bitcoin produced annually, annually.
The Strategic Bitcoin Reserve the government, they’re saying is going to purchase 200,000 right away Now. This doesn’t include the $100 trillion in assets in the management right now which BlackRock says pretty soon maybe three or four years, five years he believes that everyone should have around a 2% allocation of Bitcoin. That’s not including $2 trillion, which Bitcoin’s market cap is $1.6 trillion right now. That’s not even including that. It’s not including all the institutions. Abu Dhabi just got in. You got Wisconsin Pension Fund just got in. You got Hong Kong launching their initiative in crypto, which is incredible because China has been kind of like anti-crypto. You have a lot of pensions. Goldman Sachs just made a big purchase as well. These institutions just started purchasing, and they just started purchasing last quarter because Trump won the election, and now they know that they’re going to have a framework, a regulatory framework, which, again, Daniel’s right needs to come out sooner rather than later, but they can have this regulatory framework around it.
Guys, if they’re purchasing 200,000 Bitcoin annually and it’s only 164,000 produced, what do you think is going to happen? What do you think is going to happen to Bitcoin, right? I mean simple right, supply-demand. Here’s the thing In three more years, we’re going to see another halving. There’s only going to be 225 Bitcoin produced. You could do the math and times that by 365, but that’s still going to fall. We’re going to be buying 200,000 Bitcoin annually.
I mean, you’re looking atStrategy, which is now Strategy, or you know mining companies that are mining for this have it on the balance sheet, or even a lot of corporate companies that are looking to. You know, put this on their balance sheet. It’s not going to be a lot, but even if it’s you know some of the $2 trillion that’s on the balance sheets it’s still going to be effective, right. So it’s incredible when I see this and I think they’re going to make a big splash, because I think he got embarrassed a little bit because crypto has come down. If they do this and they announce a date that they’re going to do this and this is what they’re going to do 200,000 Bitcoin annually they’re going to purchase.
Bitcoin is going to skyrocket and when Bitcoin skyrockets, the next 100 to 200 tokens are going to absolutely surge. And when they surge I’m not talking about if you’re looking at companies and SPACs and IPOs and stuff like that it’s rare that you find something that’s gone up 10x. You’ll find Nvidia here or that or whatever, but most of these companies come out crazy valuations In crypto. You’re going to see all the 200 of the largest have all had moves that are like 20x, 30x, 40x because they’re not IPOing at crazy valuations. They’re coming out at very low valuations, right, and right now they’re down 60% 70% from their highs. Especially, some of them are down 70% 60% just over the past two months.
It offers one of the greatest opportunities I’ve seen to buy crypto. Stick to the big ones, solana, be careful. We have it on portfolio, but they are like most of the meme tokens are on their chain and you see meme tokens really get smoked, which I’m happy to see, because a lot of this is bullshit. You need the bullshit out of the industry. When which I’m happy to see, because a lot of this is bullshit you need the bullshit out of the industry. When I look at crypto and what I’m seeing here with this strategic Bitcoin reserve, it’s a game changer. I’ve never seen a bigger catalyst for Bitcoin since I’ve been covering Bitcoin since 2016,.
- This has been the biggest catalyst we’ve ever seen, ever in history. Right, and it’s not even debatable. I mean, how much money. And that’s just one government where we’re looking at. Other governments might look to have their own strategic reserve for Bitcoin. It’s incredible. If this really happens, if they’re serious We’ll see on Friday how serious it will be Hopefully it provides a date and says, hey, this is what we’re doing, this is what we’re going to purchase. If that happens, look out Crypto. I mean, you’re going to see immediately Bitcoin take off. I don’t think they make that announcement Friday. Do you think they make an actual announcement Friday?
I don’t know if they make the announcement, but if he just says we’re looking to do this by Q1, and here’s what we’re going to do. Cynthia Lumis and a lot of people support it.
We’re going to be buying 200,000. It’s got to make a splash in this if you really, really want to see that, and I think that’s what he tried to do with that tweet, which was terrible, like you said. It was all over the place Like, oh yeah, and we’re also going to include Bitcoin Don’t forget Bitcoin and you’re going to see crypto absolutely surge, absolutely surge, and all depending on that meeting, and it is going to be interesting. It really is, Because I can’t see where we are oversold levels, just with certain catalysts. I think right now is a good time to buy your favorite stocks that are down tremendously, and especially cryptos.
I think we’re really going to see that going into next year, especially when we have even bigger macro stuff going on where we could see the Fed start cutting rates if we see more of a slowdown and a lot of negatives are factored in. A lot of companies are lowering their estimates. The ones that beat are only going up like 5%, 7%. The ones that aren’t are going down 15% plus right. So you’re seeing this go from a high expectation market to a low expectation market. You’re seeing huge oversold levels stay the course right now. I think this will be an opportunity to really make a killing, probably in the next few weeks as this market really takes off. I see it going a lot higher before lower. That’s just my two cents.
0:44:09 – Daniel Creech
There you go around, all this stuff coming out, which means nothing.
0:44:12 – Frank Curzio
$0.02 always means nothing Pretty much means nothing, but yeah, look, we got lots of earnings and stuff like that too we’re going to discuss tomorrow, right, and I also wanted to mention listen, if you haven’t seen my presentation on Sugarfina, hopefully you took a look. If you’re a credit investor, we have exclusive access to this deal, which is a company that’s generating 50 million sales, which is the forecast after you just closed two deals, and we’re able to come in at $80 million valuation in private markets. The terms of the deal are incredibly favorable, which include full warrants that can be exercised as soon as the company IPOs. You don’t see that often. A lot of times you get into deals and you’re like okay, they’re going to exercise, I’m going to private placement with a public traded stock. Maybe they’re raising money at $2 and they’re going to provide warrants and exercise at $325, $350. As soon as the company goes public, it’s like you’re doubling your shares right away and they’re also paying you a 6% dividend. The company’s projecting, the company’s going public, in the guys to finance the management team in nine to 12 months. So it’s not like you’re sitting on a private company for a very, very long time, the managed team running the ship has a history of creating monster companies to roll-ups. If you’re not familiar with roll-ups, it’s buying a lot of competitors and then integrating them right these small competitors integrating one giant leader that’s. If you’re looking at, oracle is probably the biggest example right Of how many companies that they acquired. The management team did it with Marriott in 1990. They did it with Hilton, spinning off the gaming division in the early 2000s and buying casinos like crazy. They turned out division for making $500 million in sales to $5.5 billion in a few short years.
If you’re on our email list or listen to past podcasts, you probably heard me mention this idea and you maybe even saw my video presentation on it. But we just opened the capital raise now. So I was talking about how we’re going to do it. We just opened it on Monday afternoon late afternoon. So we’re looking to do. We just opened it on Monday afternoon late afternoon. So we’re looking at 36 hours. We’re right up to 1.5 million in commitments in the first 36 hours, which is very, very, very strong.
A lot of people have said that they’re going to come into investing deals. Well, and including several funds. I’ve never had so much interest from funds before, because I know in our industry and Dan and I rag about this all the time time where everything’s the greatest pick ever, everything’s going to go up a thousand. We see that in so many advertisements and shit like that it really, you know, turned our industry into a shit show and it’s why I get pissed off and emotional about it, because it’s an industry that I grew up in, my dad was in for 30 years when, where people just care about the marketing more than helping investors. But when you’re looking at funds, the reason why funds are really looking at this and these are guys that are on a Curzio One in our membership, who have access, exclusive access, to this deal is because the terms are that favorable, right, and I used to see in terms like that where the better the terms, the lower the risk, and that’s what you want. There’s always risk, but you want to minimize that risk while also having that massive upside potential. And to minimize that risk while also having that massive upside potential, and that’s what you have with this deal here. But you have to be an accredited investor to come in and you have to be a Curzio One member and for this deal we have another great deal in the pipeline, coming in next month as well.
I lowered the price of a One membership Actually, I shouldn’t say I lowered it, but I provided a special one-year trial deal so you could see what the membership’s all about. And One membership gets access to all our products. We offer all products and services across the board. You get access to all that. Also, you’re going to get a special invite to our first ever Curzio One Conference. Yes, we’re going to have a Curzio One Conference. So many people for the last six years, Daniel, have busted my balls. When are you going to have a conference? This way, we get to see everyone in person. It’s going to be awesome. I got to watch our first one. It’s going to be held every year after, but it’s going to be September, october.
So if you’re interested in one membership or learning more about it, just email me, Frankcurzioresearchcom. Almost every person I spoke to about this membership and asked questions about it winded up coming in to the one offer for the year because it’s a really good deal. And again, if you’re interested, Frankcurzioresearchcom, if you come in within the next 10 days, I’m going to guarantee you a placement in this Sugarfina deal and also guarantee that you can get into next deal next month, only in the next 10 days, because we’re seeing huge demand and if we fill it, we fill it for $10 million. And right now we’re off to a really, really good start, which I’m happy about because I think people will do well, I hope people do well and it’s one of my biggest investments deal, so I’m really excited about it. So, again, if you’re interested, credit investor, shoot me an email.
And again, very transparent, it’s not even a sales call, just be like hey, this is what it is. If you want to come in, come in. If not, don’t come in. But yeah, I’m really happy to. Other than that, Daniel, what do we got to look forward to? We got earnings we want to talk about tomorrow.
0:48:39 – Daniel Creech
Yeah, talk about some earnings tomorrow. Talk about some AutoZone, one of the best absolute boring stocks that you ought to have. I’ve talked about it plenty of times, but, yeah, we’ll go over a couple of those Shit. A cybersecurity what’s wrong over there? Shit.
0:48:53 – Frank Curzio
You know I should have just ended the podcast there. I know the market’s like freaking, taking off right now. Yeah, perfect, I told you it was going to happen. I’m so right I’m taking victory lap, all right.
0:49:00 – Daniel Creech
0:49:03 – Frank Curzio
I’m going to get ripped for that, dude. I’m freaking asking. Except 1%, it was down right. Noticed the volatility in the past couple days, Daniel, like what’s going on with cnbc and the headline right.
the s&p 500 falls for a third day on fears, trump, trade fights, so the headlines can’t keep up with the volatility because the nasdaq’s now up close to one percent and even at russell everything’s up across the board and vix is down. Uh, yesterday, what do we see? We saw 750 down. Then all of a sudden, like from two to three o’clock, we saw, I think, going, think, going to the green and then with the last half an hour they sold off again and everyone’s like and the headlines can’t keep up. So what were you saying?
0:49:40 – Daniel Creech
when you saw CNBC on the bottom, they said something and the market’s actually green and they were like, yeah, I mean they were going to commercial and they were like, oh, the Dow was down 700. Now it’s only down 300. And right next to it the NASDAQ was already in the green and they didn’t mention that. They’re just like, oh, the Dow’s coming back. It’s like, yeah, the NASDAQ was just down two and a half percent. Now it’s positive for a brief. That is a massive intraday. Most of it’s noise, Again, that’s just the sentiment that’s out there.
0:50:20 – Frank Curzio
That’s why I watch it and if you watch sentiment, especially from the liberal media channels, they’re telling you like this massive trade war they’re trying to figure out. You see everyone trying to analyze the tariffs and how it’s going to impact To me. It’s creating this big buying opportunity because it’s in no one’s best interest for those tariffs to actually go into full effect and it’s really bad for other countries if it goes into effect. It’s going to impact them much, much more, much, much faster than the US. So they’re going to come up with a deal, just like we said last time they’re going to come up with a deal. It just makes sense to everyone. But the good news for you is stocks are selling off because of all this shit. You’re going to have your moms call you or whatever, and your dads and say, hey, that aren’t in the market, saying, oh my God, there’s a trade war. Should I get out of the market? That’s usually a sign for you to freaking buy the shit out of the market, right, because that means it’s getting to mainstream media. It’s getting to just mom and pop investors or people who are not into the market too much but the trade war and say, okay, you got to follow through with the threat. If you don’t, your kid’s going to own you for the rest of your life. Trust me on that, because I’ve made that mistake several times. No-transcript, like he was talking about, and stuff like that, but you’re not going to see plants actually close and then come here. It’s just too much.
But it’s another catalyst that’s going to come up, because once this is solved and even if we’ve got good news on a trade deal and we’re on better terms with Ukraine again, that news caused the market to sell off as well, and now it looks like, okay, zelensky’s going to have to come back to the table. He’s got no choice right, providing all his weapons for him. So that’s what Trump is doing right now no-transcript there. That shouldn’t be down as much as they are. That’s creating good buying opportunities. I think in the next week or two, you have the opportunity to really see some of these names pop 20% plus, and that’s what Daniel and I are going to talk about tomorrow in Wall Street. Unplugged, premium are names that we believe are oversold, especially in the oil industry. Did you see what natural gas is Mm-hmm Holding in there, doing well? Isn’t that one of your big plays this year. Is it a forecast natural gas?
0:52:48 – Daniel Creech
I got a lot of energy exposure in CRA. All of them are still holding up very well. We have a couple of losers, of course, but yeah, natural gas is going to continue to do well as oil. I’ll share some stats tomorrow. My favorite oil chart ever tomorrow, how about?
0:52:56 – Frank Curzio
that for a team? Yeah, and good, call on that. You said at the beginning of the year it’s one of your best trades, right, Natural gas. You should take the victory lap and just be like hey, I won.
0:53:07 – Daniel Creech
Because I think it was like three. I don’t want to bring it up, but it was a good call. I won at 3. Haven’t hit it yet, but we’re for 40. You should be very excited about natural gas and the potential going forward.
0:53:19 – Frank Curzio
That’s the way to fuel AI that’s really available right now. Okay, you got these. You know, when you’re looking at, you know, mobile uranium and nuclear. I mean that shit’s so far away and the approvals that you need for that and the safety approvals you need for that I mean it’s everyone that I talk to within the industry that knows a lot about this shit. It’s like five years plus away, but natural gas is just there for the taking. If you’re looking for energy which we need a ton of energy for everything, especially AI, I mean natural gas is just the obvious choice. It’s easy, it’s right there, no-transcript, right there for the taking, and you’re seeing it, you’re seeing it. So, anyway, Daniel, that’s it for us. Any last words? Comments? Anything? Daniel Kahlbacher no, peter.
0:54:13 – Daniel Creech
T, nothing at all.
0:54:14 – Frank Curzio
Daniel K comments anything.
0:54:16 – Daniel Creech
No, nothing, cheers manana.
0:54:16 – Frank Curzio
We still have anything better than wednesdays or thursdays could you tell me your experiences today before we go? Could you end this with a story?
0:54:23 – Daniel Creech
oh yeah. So I uh, I went and got a sub from a place next door to our office here and I was telling Frank it was hilarious. I go in and I ordered a sub and it was going to take a few minutes. It was a hot sub, whatever. So I use the bathroom and I come out and there’s four or five people waiting and the two gentlemen working behind, younger guys, nice guys, taking orders. It seemed a little chaos and I came back to the office and told Frank. I said you wouldn’t believe this experience. I just had. I said it was like a zoo.
I mean, this poor guy walks around the counter three to four different times with sandwiches more than one sandwich in a bag and he’s going up to people, like you know, very confident. It’s like hey, you had the you know number two with no onions right, and they’re like no. He’s like oh. So he goes to the next guy and literally we’re all standing right there. I’m just like no, and he recognized me and remembered what I got. So he’s like I know it’s not you and the guy does around with all this food and nobody claims it. I don’t know where the hell it went. And then he starts handing out food to our sub. So I was like man. I just he walked out. Did he say he’s like hey, man, I’m sorry, I just said you’re doing fine later, but Frank got a kick out of that. I can’t go anywhere and order food, not have a fun story.
0:55:30 – Frank Curzio
It’s crazy funny.
0:55:32 – Daniel Creech
Anyway, so there’s my fun story.
0:55:34 – Frank Curzio
No, lots of fun stuff. So guys, listen tomorrow on podcast. We’ll see you then. Wall Street Unplugged Premium Questions, comments. We have for you, Daniel, email Daniel@CurzioResearch.com and for me, Frank@CurzioResearch.com. And we’ll see you guys tomorrow. Take care, love this episode of Wall Street Unplugged. I think you’ll really love. Wall Street Plot Premium is my members-only podcast where I dive even deeper into this week’s events, where I’ll do even more than tell you what’s moving these markets. I’ll tell you specifically what moves you can make today. So this is going to be about trading. Put big money in your pocket right away due to the inconsistencies I see daily in the market.
I’m talking about specific investment ideas. I’m recommending and tracking each week that I believe will be impacted directly by everything I just talked about today. Plus, you’re going to get the chance to go even further down the rabbit hole with me and my co-host, Daniel Creech, as we discuss which of these week’s trends could turn into massive windfalls the big trends that we see lurking on the horizon. Also, the news we’re picking up from our network of insiders, which has gotten bigger and bigger thanks to you and so many people listening to this podcast in over 100 countries. And you’ll get a chance to talk to me directly in my special Ask Me Anything Q&A session. All that and a lot more like premium interviews with world leaders in finance, technology, industry and politics. This is all part of Wall Street Unplugged Premium, and becoming a member is super simple and super cheap, so head on over to WSUOffer.com to check it all out. Sign up today and you won’t miss a thing. That’s WSUOffer.com.
0:57:15 – Announcer
Wall Street Unplugged is produced by Curzio Research, one of the most respected financial media companies in the industry. The information presented on Wall Street Unplugged is the opinion of its host and guests. You should not base your investment decisions solely on this broadcast. Remember, it’s your money and your responsibility.