What's really moving these markets

5 lessons for a profitable 2023

To help you prepare for the year ahead, Genia's sharing her most valuable investment advice of 2022—from the best inflation-fighting assets to building portfolio insurance... and more.

investing in gold

The best-performing asset of the century

With its millennia-long history of reliably storing value, gold remains a great way to protect your wealth against the ravages of inflation... and the possibility of another selloff. Here's how to capitalize...

Is the selloff nearing a bottom?

Frank Holmes of U.S. Global Investors explains why he doesn’t expect much higher interest rates this year… why everyone should have exposure to shipping—and how to get it… why he expects crypto prices to move much higher… and why the…

Why the “central banking cartel” is afraid of crypto

Frank Holmes of U.S. Global Investors explains why he’s bullish on airlines... how the internet has helped retail investors outperform Wall Street... why the “central banking cartel” is attacking crypto and gold… and a country he’s bullish on that may…