Frank Curzio
By Frank CurzioMay 17, 2019

My biggest investing mistake

investing mistake

I talk about my successes on the podcast… but I also share my #fails. Not just for the sake of transparency, but for the sake of learning.

A listener wants to know one of my biggest winners and my biggest investing mistake. I break down one sector that offers huge opportunities for investors, if you know how to navigate it… and tell the story of the globetrotting boot-on-the-ground research mission that wound up teaching me an incredible lesson.

I also revisit an old portfolio holding—a “political whipping boy” and one heck of a frustrating recommendation. Warning: Epic rant ahead… plus a lesson you must never forget.

I have a major announcement regarding some changes coming to the Frankly Speaking podcast. If you enjoy the show, be sure to pay attention.


Frankly Speaking | 60

My biggest investing mistake

Announcer: Wall Street Unplugged looks beyond the regular headlines heard on mainstream financial media to bring you unscripted interviews and breaking commentary direct from Wall Street right to you on Main Street.

Frank Curzio: Let’s go out there. It’s Friday, May 17th and I’m Frank Curzio, host of the Frankly Speaking Podcast where we answer all of your questions, [inaudible 00:00:23] County Sports. Anything else you want to throw at me? Greatest podcast. Answer more of your questions that you would send me to my Wall Street Unplugged podcast, which I host every Wednesday. Do you want any questions answered? Just send me an email to That’s Be sure to put Frankly Speaking in the headline. And you never know. Your question may be the one I read on this podcast.

I’ve got a question from Tony. It says, “Hey Frank, paid up lifetime member of Curzio Research Advisory. We stopped out of NAVI in December. [inaudible 00:00:59] like the story. At what point in time do you ever buy back into a position, if ever? I just read the Q1 transcripts and they showed the company is performing well. Thanks for the excellent education each week. Tony.”

Tony, I answered a similar question about getting into positions. This had been the last week or the week before. I don’t often get back into positions. It depends if the thesis changed. I mean I won’t get too much into it. It’s on a previous Frankly Speaking. I think it might’ve been last week or the week before but I want to get back to NAVI because this is a situation where I said I don’t really get into a lot of situations again. Sometimes I do if the market… say if I recommended this stock in September. The market crashed from September through December where it.. S&P 500, I think all the major indices closed down 20% before they brought it back. So we have stop losses on all of our positions and maybe it got triggered.

So it was nothing company related more to the market. Maybe I’ll jump in, but most of the time, I have to see what I got wrong. What is the thesis different this time? Why do I like it? But most of the time you’re not going to see too many stocks make it into the portfolio again after we stop out. And, NAVI is a good example because it’s one of the ones that I really like and we got stopped out of this company and it has nothing to do with the fundamentals.

I mean, Navient, which is NAVI, is the largest student loan provider, right? So that is a hot topic. We’re going to election. And Bernie Sanders and AOC and a lot of people will [inaudible 00:02:34] believe that, “Hey, let’s forgive all the debt. Forgive all of it.” Nobody’s fault. Right? It’s Trump’s fault. It’s, it’s government’s fault. It’s everyone’s fault. Except for the students who took out the loans, who decided to take out $100,000 loans to get a job that’s going to pay $45,000 a year for the rest of your life. It’s not their fault.

It’s not their parent’s fault. Right? Cause usually for my kids, I would love to pay for their college. I don’t want to see them carry this debt load. But a lot of people can’t afford that and that’s fine. But even for the parents that can’t afford it, are you that… man, excuse me, but come on. These are your kids. You can’t explain to them of why, “Hey, if you’re going to take out $100,000 worth of loans and you’re going to be have this for the rest of your life, you better get a job that’s worth it.”

I mean, that’s your parents’ responsibility, isn’t it? If you really care for your kids to tell them that, “Oh, you’ve got to pay these high interest rates and everything…” It’s everyone’s fault except the person who took out the loan who actually signed the contract. For the parents that have these kids that said, “Yeah, go ahead. I’m not going to pay for education. So go ahead Take out your loans. Do whatever you have to do.”

I mean, it’s everybody else’s fault. It’s everyone… And it’s a hot political topic where everybody blames Navient because Navient used to be a really crappy, shitty company back in the day, and I covered this. Amazing, amazing story, Guys, if you read that issue back in a Sallie Mae days. And there’s a company that during the credit crisis, and even before the credit crisis, going back and forth, being a government sponsored entity, so they had all of government benefits. Able to buy loans cheaper than anybody else and they were like, “Wait a minute, we want to be able to raise interest rates, so let’s not have the GSE status.”

So they raise interest rates and then during the credit crisis, the government said, “Hey, you know what? We’re going to backstop all the student loan debt and we’re going to give it to NAVI, just purchase as much as you can.” They said, “Okay, we’ll purchase as much as we can.” And profits and billions and billions in profits after.

But now, Today it’s a good company. They work with students to, to restructure their loans. You’re seeing loan loss reserves go down. The last quarter that they just had, they blow out the numbers easily. For 45 cents a share, which was 13% better than expected. It’s a huge cash flow generating machine firing on all cylinders. The next 20 years, they have the whole plan laid out, how much billions of dollars it’s going to be generating.

Navient’s a pretty small company, but every time the topic comes up on student loan debt and how it’s going from 1 trillion to 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, whatever it is now, these are the guys that always get blamed. And these are the guys where every asshole politician out there wants to make a name for themselves, they try… they go after Navient. And they file a lawsuit against Navient.

“It’s your fault. It’s your…” Even though they pay their lawsuits, and I love the CEO, I love the management team. You listen to conference calls, they go after these politicians, Because it’s all horse shit and we know. I mean, Look at the environmental agency. I mean, come on. It’s a joke. It’s one of… it should be one of the most important organizations in our country and it’s all used for political purposes. I mean, it’s just the way it is.

I saw this firsthand with Northern Dynasty saying that they build this [inaudible 00:05:54] the rivers that flow through your property are going to impact Bristol Bay is 150 miles away and damage the sockeye salmon. I went… There’s no streams, there’s nothing going through their property. I don’t get it, but nobody cares. Nobody cares. It doesn’t matter. It’s just a political agenda and you don’t mess with the government. You don’t mess with the government because you cannot win ever.

And that’s a problem for a lot of people because, especially you’re CEO over your company. You have a lot of pride and even though you think you’re right and you know you’re right, it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter when it comes to the government, they could do whatever they want. They could shut down whoever they want. I saw this firsthand with my dad and it was a small company. We weren’t rich. We were middle class.

The stock market crash, and then it was all over TV. NBC Dateline, Wall Street Journal became the all-time where the Wall Street Journal Stock Picking Contest, six consecutive times, credible track record. And we didn’t have a big business. We were managing about 125 million back then and we had 8,000 subscribers maybe? That was it. Operation of maybe 10 people, but relatively small and you know, my dad’s definition of success was going to his upstate house every summer, three, three and a half months and we always used to go with them until I grew up and I didn’t have to go there every summer.

But for a good 10, 12, 13 years. And he used to hang out for the farm animals. He didn’t really want to grow his business that much. He was just like… that was success to him, which is fine. That’s cool. The definition of success isn’t always money. It’s different for everybody. It could be health. It could just be, you know, hey, peace of mind. I just want to be happy, whatever it is. And then his performance, his track record, shows up in a magazine called Pension Investments and underneath was Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan or whatever.

Two days later the SEC knocks on our door. Knocks on our door, says, “Okay, we’re going to audit everything. Go through everything.” We’re like, “Okay.” You know, we had a family lawyer at the time who was okay and it was something like a disclaimer didn’t have the right font size on it or something.

But they found… there was nothing there. I mean they looked at my dad’s account. They were like, “Wow, this is all the money you have?” They actually told him that. They was like really? They actually said that to him. I’m like, “No. What’d you think, there’s million stashed…” We’re like, “No.”

He was a very simple, man, my dad. He would, regular clothes, hung out. He was funny. He was just a regular guy. Didn’t really market himself at all, whatever. So they said, “Well you have this little infraction here, whatever.” And they said, “If you pay whatever, a couple of hundred dollars, an $8,000 fine,” whatever it was, “then yeah, everything is good, but everything else looks good.”

And our lawyers said, “Yeah, just pay the fine this way,” because basically they said, “Well, don’t send out anything. Don’t send anything right now until we go through this whole thing,” which was a couple of months. Seriously, it was a disclaimer. It was a freaking disclaim… the font on the disclaimer. Wasn’t even the disclaimer itself. I mean, when they audit companies, they always find like five, six, seven, eight things. It’s little things that are like, “Okay, just fix that and make sure it’s okay.”

It wasn’t like, “Oh, you transferred money from this account to that account,” or… no. Then, you get shut down immediately. There’s always a little things. There’s a million different laws. We signed it and literally a day or two later in the front page of the Wall Street Journal, the front page of the Wall Street Journal in the What’s New section it says, “FXE investor gets fined for” whatever. They put it in the front page of the Wall Street Fucking Journal. Do you believe that?

That’s the government, that’s the SEC. And that’s not the government because that’s Goldman Sachs, that’s JP Morgan who called the SEC because everyone at the SEC, they don’t make a lot of money. And as they move up the chain, then Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, go ahead. Look at the numbers. They pay these guys millions of dollars because now they’re higher up in the SEC. They have great contacts and they know everything before it happens and when it’s coming, that’s Wall Street. That’s the way it works.

But the bottom line is you don’t mess with the government. You don’t… Even if you’re right, it doesn’t matter.

So my point on Navient is even though it’s a good company, even though the fundamentals make sense, the political risk is just so great. This is a stock; it’s trading around about 1250-ish. It should be in the 20s based on valuation alone, based on the amount of cash flow they’re going to be generating. It’s a cheap stock. It’s a good company. They’re doing the right thing now. It’s a great management team.

But with the election right around the corner guys, not too far away, this is going to be a hot topic and this is going to be a company they target and a lot of politicians are going to come out against them and they’re going to say… they just launched these investigations or lawsuits or whatever, and you just see it happening more and more and more. Again, just to gain political points. That’s our politicians. That’s our political systems.

So for this company, look, I like it, but I just… I should have known better with that kind of risk. I just thought it was priced in at this level, and I’m not the only one. I know Leon Cooperman used to have a big position in this company around these levels. I think he established a position a little bit higher. I don’t think he’s in it anymore.

But you have to be very, very careful. The same thing for Fannie and Freddie, right? Being in conservatorship, it’s… you have hedge funds lobbying and saying, how could these guys not be publicly traded companies? Fannie and Freddie generating billions now, billions and billions and billions of dollars, right?

And you see them going to court and trying to say, “Why can’t we invest in these things and invest in the…” or whatever it is.

But it’s funny how that story just died. I mean, you got some of the biggest billionaire hedge fund managers really fighting against Fannie and Freddie and going against the government. This is a joke. This is a disgrace. And you know what? The government just didn’t even answer them because they don’t have to. It’s the government.

So just be careful when it comes to stuff like this. Where, do I think it’s… it’s dirt cheap. It should be a lot higher, but again, when it comes to politics, when it comes to political risk, they could do whatever they want and there’s nothing we can do about it. So, if you’re okay with that risk, then buy the stock because it also pays a really nice yield. For me, I learned my lesson. We took a loss in this and I think I recommended this a while ago too, in the single digits and we did well on it.

I don’t think we took a big loss on it though. But just be very careful, especially when it comes to political risk. And you’re not going to find one that has more greater political risk than this company right here.

All right, moving on. Let’s take a question from… This is from James. James asks, “Frank, what was the biggest investment mistake you’ve ever made and what was your best. Go Eagles. Love their draft. Hope getting rid of Foles wasn’t mistake. Keep up the good work.”

Yeah, I know, I hear you. I don’t know if that was a mistake either. I’m nervous about. I know the draft was good. I know that they have a great offensive line, running back solid. They drafted amazing running back. Their defense was solid last year. They’re going to be pretty good this year. They have all the pieces in place. The question mark is Wentz. Let’s see what happens. It’s his team now. Nothing to worry about. And look, I know how good he is, but he does make a lot of mistakes. He does hold the ball a little bit too long. He has all the talent. He could make every single throw.

So let’s see if he gains his confidence, gains a team’s confidence because that team just plays differently under Foles. It’s the same exact team. It’s the same talent. But when Foles comes in it ignites them and they play differently and Wentz needs to get that. So I’m worried, I’m not too sure if that’s going to happen. I hope it does. If it does, they’re going to be a Super Bowl contender. And yes, I’ll probably go to that Super Bowl again. Just one of the best times ever.

Now, what was one of my biggest mistakes? One of my biggest mistakes was Puta Coal. I know there’s people cringing right now. “Aw, Puta Coal. I remember that one.”

It’s a China based coal company and China was nationalizing their coal industry. What they were doing is they basically picked Puta 1 of 12 out of hundreds of coal companies. And you know, there’s just safety issues and it was just such a fragmented industry. And they picked… they selected Puta Coal as one of their 12 or one of their 11 to be a consolidator. So they’re going to tell like all these little companies into Puta Coal and make them a big giant company, one of 11.

And I recommended this dock at seven and it was a great story. Stock went up 100% for us. And then a short seller came out with a report saying that the company was fraud. I visited China, I visited this company, saw their assets firsthand, shook hands with people, the executives. So I defended it and I said, “This is BS. Everything’s here.”

And I didn’t understand that in China, you have to go in and everything’s fake. If you go in with that mindset, you’ll be fine. Because for us, you have annual reports. You have quarterly reports. These are reliable. Nobody thinks that anyone’s fake. You could find discrepancies and then you’re going find some people who do the wrong thing and you find whatever.

But 95% or more… again they’re doing financial manipulation, but everything’s legal. Everything’s fine. With China, you could be reading an annual report and those assets don’t even exist. And this… Apparently a hedge fund bought 75% of the assets of this company and they never reported it to anybody.

So getting that wrong is fine. I did… I thought I did the research. Not too many people are going to go to China and research companies. I was okay with that, especially when I saw that Caterpillar took a $500 million write off for a plant that I don’t know if it even existed in China. Paulson had a massive loss with the Encino Forest or whatever it was. or

And he probably has a research team of 50 to a hundred. I don’t know, but I was okay with that. Not that I wanted people to lose money. So anyway, the stocks started coming down in the short seller’s report. And the mistake I made, things I regret is I have stops in all my positions. This hit our stop. So we stopped out for a gain.

But the alert I wrote to investors was a pissed off alert saying, “I’m going to follow rules. We always follow rules, want to get out of our position. But this is… I don’t believe in this report. This is a company that we may revisit in the future. I don’t see any fraud here, whatever.”

And the alert I wrote was not convincing enough to where my subscribers got out of the stock because a lot of people still believed in it. Instead of saying, “Hey, I don’t care about the now it’s,…” And you learn from your mistakes. And this is, man, this has got to be eight years ago, maybe? Something like that. But when you’re hit your stops and you get out, you get out. You’re good. That’s it. No questions asked, no emotions of, “Hey, we’ll move on, whatever.” With this alert, I was kind optimistic on the company and I know that a lot of subscribers didn’t get out.

Five days later, they halted the stock and it turned out to be a fraud. So for me, doing the research and doing everything, listen, that’s why you don’t put all your eggs in one basket. You have to be very careful. I mean, we’ve seen WorldCom, Enron, we’ve seen so many of these.

And we’ll continue seeing more and more and more. Who the girl, [inaudible 00:17:12]. We’ll continue to see some of those. So you have to be very, very careful. But the fact that I wasn’t as convincing as I should have been when we get out of this stock, that’s one of the things I regret. Because I hate seeing my subscribers losing money. And saying on the record, I think I actually took… I don’t know if I took a loss on it or whatever, but I felt so terrible that I knew that a lot of my subscribers probably didn’t get out of that stock, that I felt like it shouldn’t be a gain in my portfolio even though we stopped out at a gain.

So, with that whole thing, it made me a smart investor. Learn from your mistakes. You’re not going to trust as many people now. You’re going to… Especially the mining sector. You have to be very, very careful there. Lot of it’s all fraud. A lot of these guys are paying themselves a ton of money, making a fortune, telling lies.

It’s a crazy, crazy cutthroat industry, which is amazing because everyone kind of knows each other. When you’re screwing someone, you get that bad reputation, but now it made me a better investor. So that’s one of the biggest mistakes I made.

What was one of the best things? A human genome sciences I would say. HGSI. And they received FDA approval for… It’s the only drug in the market to treat lupus. And the stock went… was it 30 bucks? And they went all the way up to 30 and then fell down to 8 because everyone… This happens a lot guys in biotech, believer or not. When a company gets FDA approval, usually the biggest gains are made from phase one to phase two. That’s where you make big gains.

In phase two to phase three, now that those are big gains. And then you go to phase three, when you get to phase three, you pass phase two, it’s kind of like, “Hey, there’s a good shot this is going to happen.” Basically the test that you proved… You proved safety. You proved everything looks great. Now you just got to provide a bigger sample size and more people.

And you’re not going to go to phase three unless you really sure because it costs a hell of a lot of money. That saying, all… not all of them, but there’s a good shot, there’s a good shot. Now, when you get to phase three and then you get your FDA approval, now you have these lofty crazy projections.

And what… This is Wall Street saying, “Now they’re going to generate 3 billion in sales in 2025 and have a discounted cash flow model.” And it’s so crazy. And what they don’t realize is you have a bunch of doctors. These are a bunch of lab rats just working, trying to get this drug.

Now all of a sudden you’re like, “Hey, all right. Boom. It’s a go. Okay, Mr. Doctors, you got to have facilities built. What’s your distribution system? Who are you going to partner with? Now you’ve got to really raise a lot of money to do all this stuff. So now you’ve got… You have to have background in finance and manufacturing. Very, very… Who are you going to have to manufacture the drug? Where are these locations going to be? Are you going global?”

I mean, so that’s not what doctors specialize in. So now you have a CEO of a company, a CFO of a company, but it becomes a real company and 95% of the time when you see these companies get FDA approval and you see those estimates, they don’t make their estimates in the first three, four years. Not even close, not even close. And they’ll say, “Well, we’re going to generate… the company’s going to generate $100 million in sales by year three,” and they’ll generate 10 million. I mean that’s how far off.

They’ll get to the number, but it’s usually much more further out, especially if it’s a company’s signature drug that they… it’s not like their third or fourth drug that they bringing to market, like the majors.

So the company got smashed, it fell all the way to eight bucks and I’m analyzing this thing going, “Man. I mean he’s trading below the level than when the company got… their signature drug got FDA approval for Lupus.”

And then when I started digging a little further, I looked at Glaxo. And Glaxo was a big partner in this company. They owned a pretty big stake. It just made sense. It’d be a good fit. And I said, “Hey, you know what? With Glaxo, I wouldn’t be surprised if Glaxo turns around and buys this company. It makes sense since they’ll get the lupus… the whole company Lupus… they’ll pay a significant discount to when it was trading at 30 bucks.

I said, “What are they going to pay? 11, 12, 13? Whatever. Plus you’re going to get HGSI’s Pipeline for free.” It was a bargain. Look to cash in on Glaxo’s balance sheet. I said, man, the market cap was 1.6 billion, 1.7 billion or whatever it was for HGSI and Glaxo had a ton, billions… more than 10 billion on its balance sheet. I mean, this company could turn around and pay 3 billion for this thing and still get it at a steal.

18 days later, Glaxo made a bid to acquire HGSI. So not only was it 18 days later, which scared the crap out of me , because it looked like, “Wow, what the hell did you know?” So I was worried. But what was really cool is I actually said that they could pay… really, that they could pay $3 billion for this company, it’d be a steal. And Glaxo offered to buy it for $3 billion.

So we made 80% in about 18 days. So not only was I able to pick a great company, tell you that they were going to get acquired, told you who was going to acquire them, but I picked the exact price they were going to get acquired at on the button. I was actually a little nervous after that happened.

Anyway, but that was one of my best calls and I’m glad because a lot of subscribers own that. That’s when I was editor of Phase One and a lot of people wrote in and made money and that’s what this is about. I love it. I love when people make money and that’s why I do this for, it’s really cool. Because when I do get it wrong I’m home, I’m throwing things, I’m pissed off. And the day I don’t get like that is the day I stopped doing all this stuff because that means I really don’t care. Because I love seeing people… And if you do make money and I’m making money, you’ve got to promise me to do one thing. Just one thing. It’s all I ask is spend a little bit of it. Live your life, man. You only live once. Go out. I mean, so many people are just responsible and cheap and hold it.

Just spend money. Do something crazy. Rent a car you can’t afford. Go have fun. You live once. Do things irresponsible. Those are things you’re going to remember the rest of your life. Buy your kids some stuff, take a crazy vacation, have fun. That’s the only thing I ask if I make you money. Spend a little bit of it. You deserve it.

Anyway, let’s go Eagles. Very excited. We’ll see what happens. Okay guys, now have interesting news. Call it a major announcement. It’s a really good one. Well, it’s going to be good for some and not so good for others.

But this podcast, Frankly Speaking, is no longer going to be available to everyone. I’m going to put it behind our pay wall. I know some of you cringing, some of you pissed right now because you love free stuff. Everyone loves free stuff. I love free stuff. But if you’re a subscriber to any of our paid products, you’d be really happy because you’re still going to get the podcast. We’re going to send it to your email address.

So this podcast’s only going to be open to you. So my subscribers only, the paid subscribers, are going to be able to ask me questions and I’m going to be answering them on Frankly Speaking, and then we’re going to be sending this to you directly to your email.

Now, why am I doing this? Well, I’m going to be very up front with you. We’ve been honest with you. We offer a lot of free stuff. Much more than anyone else in the industry. You have my Wall Street Unplugged Podcast, where you get tons of great ideas, not just from me, from hundreds of stock experts. I’ve been interviewing for over 10 years. Some great people take time to go on that podcast.

We also provide a weekly breakdown every week. We comb through hundreds of the top stories every single week, basically weeding out all the bullshit, which there’s a ton of these days as you know, and send you the stories that are most relevant or at least the ones that are going to impact your portfolio. Create a site called token tracker where we send you the top stories in [inaudible 00:25:00] security industry. The latest STO news, tokenization, institutions that are getting into this industry. All great stories and the industry’s just growing so fast right now. It’s awesome considering what we got in it was a little scary. And now that we’ve done our security token offering, it’s really cool. I mean it’s still open guys, the security token offering.

So talking to institutions as a process of excited, you passed that soft cap of 3 million in like two weeks and now I’m talking to major institutions and it’s really cool, this whole process. But this is a site token tracker that we just highlight all the amazing stories coming out. And there’s so much being released right now. You’ve seen record amount of STOs being launched last quarter and lots of institutions coming into this market. Even seeing, not that it matters, bitcoin theory, but bitcoin is really surging. Really moving higher. Again. Up over 100% in a couple of months. But that that’s relevant to tokenization, which is just the selling off of assets.

It’s just like creating its own stock market, which you’re going to see T-Zero platform and that’s already launched. But you’re going to see a ton of these things as they come out, guys. STOs, these security token offerings. You have to wait a year and after a year is that lockup period, then they go free trading. Now they’re going to be trading on T-Zero, Open Finance. Coinbase can be traded in security tokens. Binance is opening up their own exchange to trade these things. It’s here.

For my security token, when I started researching it, no. It was just like hypotheticals. Now it’s real. It’s here. Companies are doing this. Money’s getting put into this. It’s going to be regulated. These are real companies, real securities, all the checks. So anyway, you can find all those stories on token tracker.

We just provide stories during the week, sometimes I’m writing them. Daniel Crease, research analyst also helps out and writes a lot of those. Going to be setting up an educational platform where some of the guests I interview are going to be writing stories for us. It’s going to take a little bit of time to really get this ramping with a lot of different guests, but you’re going to start seeing some guest posts starting maybe next month or following month. We’re in negotiations with one of your favorites, who’s going to be writing for us a little bit.

I also have my Twitter account, which I’ve been very active on over the past two months, posting every day. My handle’s @frankcurzio if you want to follow me. And I promise you’ll get entertained because I don’t hold back. My personal account. Just say call people out that I believe are full of you know what, and tell how it is. Starting to like Twitter a lot. I’ve been more active on it, posting almost every day.

But this whole Frankly Speaking thing, I put it behind a pay wall. I want to place more focus on my paying subscribers. And these are the ones I should be answering questions for where a lot of the questions come in and right now at are from free people. And a lot of these free people when I go in and see these… I mean they’ve asked me 30, 40, 50 different questions. I mean some guy just wrote in and literally gave me a list of six junior mining stocks that I’ve talked about over the past two years.

And he said, “Hey Frank, could you…” And he didn’t even…. It wasn’t even like… And I see, “Hey Frank, thank you for all you do. You’re so…” He’s like, “Hey Frank, could you do me a favor? Could you update me on this, this, this and this one’s down a lot. Could you update me on this, this, this, this and this. Thank you.” And he wasn’t a subscriber.

So, I emailed him and said, “Sure, I’ll answer all your questions and I’ll come over your house and I’ll wash your car and whatever you need me to do.” I mean, the balls on the guy, right? I was like really? It was just funny.

But as we grow, as we get more busy here at Curzio Research, becomes a really valuable commodity. So I want to place a lot of emphasis on subscribers, the people that are paying for my work and show them my appreciation. So Frankly Speaking is only going to be offered to paid subscribe starting two weeks.

By the way, guys, for those of you who are free and going, “Oh, that’s BS,” or whatever, my Curzio Research Advisory, I created that newsletter specifically for average folks who never had access to really hardcore, really great research. 10, 12 page reports. You’re going to get issues every single month. And I crated it for that.

My goal is to get everyone, the people who usually subscribe to my low price product, get into the higher price products. Because they know the research is real. They’re getting ideas they never seen before. So,Curzio Research Advisory is like an entry level and we charge $49. Not a month, but for the entire year. I mean, it costs you more to fill up your gas tank.

So for all the research that we’d have provided, and all the free stuff, I mean that’s a good price point. That price point’s only available to podcast listeners unless… It’s a promotional price. You’re not going to see it anywhere. But if you’re interested in subscribing, They’re sending out a big promotion, you’re going to see that price in there. But it’s not on our website right now.

If you’re interested in subscribing, send me an email. Again, I’ll send you the link to subscribe since, again, it’s not on our website. You’ll see it in promotional material every now and then. But $49 for the entire year. I can’t do better than that. And that’s me taking a loss on the product just so I could introduce you to get to know my research and then hopefully, yes, we want you to subscribe to numerous products. That’s the goal here.

That’s a pretty good price point. So, getting back to Frankly Speaking guys. It’s going to be behind the pay wall. Which means if you’re a subscriber, you can ask as many questions as you want. I’m going to be answering them and then publish Frankly Speaking and send it to you to the email that you provided us when you subscribe to one of our services.

So guys, long podcast. A couple of cool ideas, couple educational license. Lots of fun. But that’s it for me. Thanks so much for listening and you know I love you guys. I’ll see you in seven days. Take care.

Announcer: The information presented on Wall Street Unplugged is the opinion of its hosts and guests. You should not base your investment decisions solely on this broadcast. Remember, it’s your money And your responsibility. Wall Street unplugged produced by the Choose Yourself Podcast Network. The leader in podcasts produced to help you choose yourself.

Note: Police departments around the world are testing an incredible new device… like something out of a sci-fi movie… or something a superhero would use. (Watch me trying out the device.) But it’s also a big story with huge implications for society—and could be wildly profitable for early investors. Learn more here.

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