Wall Street Unplugged
Episode: 1213February 5, 2025

How to profit from Trump’s tariffs

Inside this episode:
  • Why are airline stocks thriving? [1:31]
  • This sub canceled due to tariffs—my response [4:44]
  • How to trade Trump’s tariff war [14:51]
  • Meme tokens are crashing—and that’s good for crypto [19:27]
  • This crypto is a buy on its pullback [20:06]
  • How to manage crypto’s volatility [26:17]
  • Is DIS a buy after earnings? [28:34]
  • AMD’s selloff is overdone [38:55]
  • My pick for the Super Bowl winner [44:27]

Editor’s note:

On today’s episode, Frank teases his latest Crypto Intelligence recommendation.

This project previously delivered triple-digit gains for us… and after the crypto market pulled back, we have another great buying opportunity.

He reveals the details in this month’s Crypto Intelligence issue—out today. Here’s how to access it.


Wall Street Unplugged | 1213

How to profit from Trump's tariffs

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0:00:02 – Announcer

Wall Street Unplugged looks beyond the regular headlines Heard on mainstream financial media to bring you unscripted interviews and breaking commentary direct from Wall Street right to you on Main Street.

0:00:16 – Frank Curzio

How’s it going out there? It’s February 5th. I’m Frank Curzio with the Wall Street Unplugged podcast. We’re bringing you the headlines and Tell you what’s really moving these markets. A little under the weather today, but I have my boy, Daniel Creech, who’s going to help me through this podcast to talk about lots of things and plus talk about the Super Bowl pick. Oh yeah, which is the ultimate guarantee? If you do the opposite of what I say? It’s the ultimate absolute win bet. I shouldn’t say absolute, because I think it’s 12 out of 14,.

I think I lost which is what I won, because I tell everyone that I suck at it. So, yeah, I’m going to go over that.

0:00:55 – Daniel Creech

What you have to make sure is and you were, at least you were transparent when you went against yourself because you’re Eagles but you have to make sure you’re telling people either take the opposite or don’t take the opposite. This time, that’s the only thing you got to make sure Is, this year, again the opposite, because the one year.

0:01:07 – Frank Curzio

You did, you won. It should always be the opposite.

0:01:09 – Daniel Creech

But the one year you changed it up and you were right, because you’re Eagles a few years ago, yeah, and now the Eagles are in it again. That’s what I’m saying. So are you going to? I don’t know, we just talk here.

0:01:22 – Frank Curzio

We don’t have like everything all scripted down. We have a couple of topics. We don’t know what we’re going to say.

0:01:25 – Daniel Creech

People are watching this and go do these guys talk to each other? Yeah, these guys actually hang out.

0:01:28 – Frank Curzio

Do they like each other? Yeah, Daniel’s all right, he’s okay. So I heard you got some Eagles tickets right.

0:01:39 – Daniel Creech

Oh gosh. So I am complaining and email me, Daniel, crazy researchcom. I am being a crybaby because I have the opportunity to go watch the Eagles the band in Las Vegas at the sphere and my knee jerk reaction was absolutely I’ll go, because I live in Florida. Major airlines flying to Vegas and back Can’t be that difficult. Oh, Frank, I probably wouldn’t have accepted the ticket if I would have looked at ticket prices first. Flights, flights, okay. I mean, I’m okay to spend money on a hotel and treat myself a little bit. I you know whatever. You can justify anything. But looking at Comfort Plus, just not basic, because I’m 6’6″ and I’m not being funny here but I don’t fit on airplanes well, so I don’t. I’d love to fly first class, but comfort class is more reasonable.

$1,500 on Delta to leave not at a favorable time, on a Friday and get back on Sunday. And this is when For when? April, april. So I’m looking at mid-April, right around tax time actually. And what’s crazy is I check prices out of Orlando from United, southwest American and Delta and while Delta is by far the most expensive, there’s no quote unquote deals. So this is just a reassurance that I’ve joked with everybody that I’ve been dead wrong on the airline stocks. They’re now trading at or near all time highs. I missed that. I was wrong. I thought people were going to stop paying this. Clearly they have not, because I’m about to break down and pay astronomical flights for a shitty flight to go to Vegas for two nights, and this is Delta.

Well, yeah, I’m probably going to end up using Delta because I basically have to. Now why?

0:03:17 – Frank Curzio

don’t you sign up for that card? They give you like 100,000 points, don’t they?

0:03:20 – Daniel Creech

Yeah, I did that last year. They got me. They charge you $600 a year. It’s not worth it. So yeah, I’m humbled. Daniel Creech is a humbled low spender. I’m not on the. I’m not going to be on the Amex. Look at the stock, though.

0:03:35 – Frank Curzio

Yeah, I mean we got out of Delta way too early, I know I just, I mean they have such pricing power where, and they do like from where we fly in Florida, their hub is in Atlanta. So we, you know, you’re always on like a good airplane, not on one of the old ones, for some reason. And when I fly, I don’t fly Delta anymore, cause it’s literally, you know, it’s twice the price compared to everything else and I’m just like, oh, just deal with it. But and I do have miles and stuff like that, but it’s, it’s great. Oh, you do so much, Daniel there you go.

0:04:02 – Daniel Creech

I don’t know if you can show me some miles, those miles. Well, a lot of people call me Frank Kersey. Every once in a while I work for you. I could pass it off to you If I could pass on the miles. I don’t know if you can.

0:04:11 – Frank Curzio

I don’t know if I can pass on the miles, so if I do this way, you go.

0:04:18 – Daniel Creech

It is the.

0:04:18 – Frank Curzio

Eagles. If it was the other Eagles, I’d say you’re giving me the yeah anyway. So there’s a lot to talk about. We’ll get to Super Bowl pick in a little while, but I want to start off first with move the markets. Right, we saw crypto absolutely crash because tariffs and it’s come back a little bit, but still altcoins have come down. We just had our event saying hey, altcoins are going to go through the roof and stuff like that, and we’re very careful saying listen, make sure you’re taking small positions, because you’re going to see the volatility in it, and I’m pretty excited because a lot of these names have come down. But even before that, Daniel, I want to start off with this email that was sent to me, because it goes into the heart of a lot of things. And this is a good guy. His name is Martins, from Montreal, canada, and I just want to read this email because I want to get everyone’s thoughts on this. So he goes. Hey, Frank, I’m a Canadian who’s listened to your podcast since five years. I’m always interested to hear your point of view.

Today, president Trump and this is like three, four days ago President Trump decided to go to war with Canada an economic war, but still, this is a war. I cannot understand why you are happy about that. This would be great suffering for all Canadians and for Americans also. We live in a great era. Why sabotage all of this? What is the goal of that you want to impose all this. Stay in the US. If we cannot be a partner, better not to have you at all in our life. Not everything in life is about money or making money in the back of everyone else. Playing basketball with friends is still a pleasure. That is not about money. Unfortunately about to cancel my subscription, martin, and I want to talk about the emotions behind this, because we said the same thing with tariffs last time, right? We said, you know, just buy the dip, buy the dip on tariffs, A lot of it’s just like.

You know noise, right, and I know it doesn’t appear like noise because of the media and the mainstream media. I feel like they’re anti-American, right, because you know we’re looking to provide a safer US, right. So we want to go to the people on our borders and the countries on our borders and say, listen, we don’t want fentanyl in here, right, which should be in your best interest anyway. Right, which you should be doing anyway, and you’re not, even though you sell a ton of good sauce, even though you need us tremendously, right. So it’s not like we’re asking for Canada to start sending us free oil and natural gas because we’re more powerful than you. We’re not. We’re asking you to do something that I think you should be doing already, right, and that’s how I feel about this.

I think most Americans feel like this, but for some reason, the mainstream media is always like this this trade war is going to develop, and we saw the same thing in 2018, and I got the same shit for it. When I said guys, just buy the, buy them, buy them, buy them. They went down 15, 20%. If you bought them, you’re up tremendously right. And I explained I had a 15-page free report that I sent out. That was the most downloaded report that we had and I got to tell you, 80% of the people that emailed me were just destroying me.

Okay, stop listening to the fucking media, please. Okay, because at the end of the day, we don’t want this, we don’t want tariffs. It’s not good, but when we really push that issue as hey, this is a fucking done deal you see what happens just 24 hours later, as both of them bent the knee. I hate saying that because it sounds like you’re kissing each other. You’re not. But both of you setting up when it comes to Mexico and Canada and saying, hey, okay, we’re going to secure the borders, I get it. You have a special czar, you have 10,000 troops, whatever, right? Isn’t that good for fucking everybody, isn’t it? So you know? I know the media and the mainstream media is what we listen to and it’s even you know, Daniel, you were talking about the Wall Street Journal. It’s almost becoming unreadable, right? We’ve saw that with MSNBC, we saw it with CNN. It’s fun.

We see a lot of the fascist right the only fascist in the world to lower government spending, by the way which is, you know, go figure. You know this guy’s going to destroy everything. Right, he’s a racist, he’s everything. But if you’re looking for what we want in America and I think every family, even if you’re a Democrat or a Republican, you want a safe place for your children and you want a better place for your children to grow up in, okay, so you’re removing a lot of these programs and everything. It’s not like Trump is, you know, even people that vote him. They know he’s. He’s out there. You know it’s like shut your mouth sometimes and we get it.

But you know, for me personally, when I see this, when I see what happened to my daughters and they forced me, they forced me to take my daughters out of a public school because they had they would teach. They were teaching black girls, black boys, young kids to hate white people right, they’re talking about stuff from 40, 50 years ago. They were teaching them that, you know, george Washington and Lincoln are racists. They were, you know, teaching them about transgender stuff. When I’m like, please, why are my kids learning this shit? To the point of how to move them? And I’m paying an absolute fortune for them to go in freaking private school because I don’t know shit about private schools. I never went to private schools when I was little and I didn’t know and I put them into like the best private school which?

cost me a fucking fortune, by the way, right, so I’m pretty pissed about that all because you know, having cnn on during covid. This is an administration that suppressed me during fucking covid when I’m trying to help people had nothing to do with stocks, had nothing to do with views. I’m like, look, I’m getting information in jan in February, before the market crashed. This is why we’re able to remove a lot of our stocks and say listen, stay on the fucking sidelines, you’re going to get crushed because it’s just going to hit the US. Nobody realizes it. Because of the information, because leading doctors from around the world were freaking, emailing me and I was telling me the statistics which, by the way, not one child under 12 years old, without underlying conditions, died of fucking COVID. Did you know that? That’s a stat, not one child? Yet they force it down your freaking throat, right, just like they forced this stuff with tariffs down your freaking throat. Oh my God, it’s terrible. Your country’s got. I mean. Think about you. Know, martin, think about it. I mean, if you’re looking at the email that you sent me in a few days is went from Canada. It’s going to see huge suffering.

I’m canceling your subscription Now. You’re okay, we’re good, okay, spend it for 30 days because he wants to see if you guys are actually going to act on it. If you do, it’s fine, right. So you know you want to create this end of the world shit because it stirs up this anger and this. You know you’re going to be pissed off. Look, if you want to cancel your subscription, that’s why more people are. We’ll talk about disney in a minute. You can’t, you can’t cancel that subscription. They just don’t.

We ought to pull a disney you gotta go if you want to cancel, try try to cancel, you’ll never cancel, believe me, there’ll be a lot more cancellations than what I was at the 700 000 that they had, because they’re raising prices and they don’t have a lot of good new content. But I’ll get to that in a minute. But listen, that’s up to you if you want to do it. It’s not like I’m happy, it’s not like I want to see suffering, it’s just I want our kids to be freaking safe, right, and you have to push that issue in negotiation where, hey, this is what we’re going to do unless you do this Again, we’re not asking for crazy shit here. And you want to listen to your media channel? Listen to your media channel, whatever. For us, it’s about our children, it’s about being safer, it’s about having a safer nation.

I mean, why is so much fucking fentanyl coming into this country anyway? Why is that possible? Like, how are the cocaine dealers, which is an organized crime unit that’s set up with our government, to say, hey, this amount of cocaine is going to go in and just bust this amount, right, because it’s going to come in no matter what, right? So all this shit’s going on behind the scenes, all the cartels are not because fentanyl is resulting in. Look at the borders now. You know how hard it’s going to get any drug over the freaking border. Now I mean I’m surprised they’re even allowing it, because it’s killing their trade, which is a trade that will be around forever and ever, because more Americans love cocaine more than anything in the fucking world and they have the money to spend on it. So I’m surprised they didn’t shit, because you’re going to close down our business too, which is almost as big as the oil industry.

When you watch Landman, you probably know that it’s pretty crazy. I’ve heard good things about it Great, great, great show. How hey, we’re not going to bother you guys if you don’t bother us, okay, we sell a product just like you, except ours is much, much bigger, you know. So you could do your drugs. We just we don’t want to know about it. You can sell your truck if you don’t want to know about it, and you know you leave us alone. Everything will be fine. But you know, look, if you want to cancel, cancel.

But the tariff thing, I know when you’re in media and in China and all this shit. Listen, you know China’s been. I mean, china is responsible for murdering millions, millions of people because of this virus. They didn’t let who go in there. They didn’t let anyone go in there. They lied about everything right and they never got punished for it. It’s because of them so many millions of people died and we weren’t prepared for this. I mean, you’re talking about hundreds of billions of dollars wasted, if not trillions, you know. I mean, look what it costs. So you know, when you have this and you have the United States, which is the biggest country in the world and we spend the most money, everyone wants to sell our goods to us. You, us. There’s certain things that we want, especially when we’re actually our taxpayer. Money is going to other countries. Name another country whose taxpayer monies go to another country. Is there one out there? Do we get any taxpayers’ money from anybody else? Do we get other people’s Our taxpayer?

money is going to shit that we don’t even know about. It’s going to Ukraine and it’s like this guy’s trying to start World War III. To start World War III, I mean I’m like what the hell? I mean, there’s got to be some kind of solution. It seemed like both of them wanted to solve this. Both of them both admit, say, hey, you know, we didn’t want to go to war, we didn’t want this to happen, and yet it happened, you know.

So it’s crazy when you look under the hood about all this shit, but at the end of the day, I think everybody a Republican, I don’t hate Democrats. I just, you know some of these policies and these left policies, as Democrats are forced to, you know, to follow through in order to beat Donald Trump last election. I mean, I didn’t think you would really follow through on a lot of this shit which impacts our fucking kids, right, which really impacts our kids, and enough’s enough. So look, I don’t care who you vote for. It’s free country. I don’t care who you like. If you want to cancel your subscription, cancel your subscription because of that. Just try to calm down a little bit.

Okay, it’s not the end of Canada. Everything’s okay today. You went from a couple of days. Oh my God, all the suffering. It’s crazy and I know, martin, you’re a good guy, but still, if that results, you’re right, I’ll tell people. Listen, this might be a vice stock. So if you don’t want to buy it, don’t buy it. If you don’t believe in this, don’t believe in it.

But my job is to try to make you money to make sure that your family is going to be taken care of, that. You’re going to create generational wealth and that’s what I truly want to do for you, right? Because everything out there that shows you how to do it is such fucking bullshit. I’m like Jesus. You don’t even get punished in our industry. You don’t. One person went to jail for the credit crisis. Are you kidding me? How much fraud, all this shit, subsidies behind the scenes. The Fed had no fucking idea. The Fed’s like who’s AIG? What AIG has all this shit? What? They have all the paper, what? That’s what we’re trying to do here Level playing field. So you guys do well. You have generational wealth, so your kids don’t have to worry. That’s what we focus on with our products.

So, again, if the political views bother you, that’s okay. I don’t mind your political views. That’s cool. I love talking politics, but just that left and how far left they went.

It impacted me personally, impacted my family. I mean Steve Kerr, who’s coach of the Warriors, came out and said I hate Trump because of guns, because, you know, I don’t know if his dad was murdered. That’s a personal thing, right? You’re never going to be able to change that. So everyone has their personal beliefs of who they’re going to vote for or whatever. You’re not going to change them. You know you’re free to vote for whoever you want, but when it comes to this tariff shit, guys, buy it, buy it. We’ve been telling you that for so long. You would have made so much money. We told you about this and I got similar emails last time.

Just, you know, again, it’s not really in our best interest, but when we push the issue, everyone’s going to bend the knee because of how much money they fucking make by selling their goods and services here. We just want safety. We want a couple of things here. Why are we funding so much in so many countries when you guys are not doing the right thing by protecting us, some of these countries? I’m not saying America’s great and we’re doing the right thing, right, we’re fucked up too, but we’re in that position to be like this is what we want, and we want it, and you guys are in a position to say no, because if you do, this is what happens. Well, we’re going to place tariffs on you and destroy your economy.

Okay, now, it’s not pushing the issue, where we Americans would speak out for that in a heartbeat, but again, everyone has different views, guys, I don’t want this to be a political podcast. I want to be about making money, but I understand. If you want to cancel, go to our website. Look at the bottom. Pretty easy Again, it’s not Disney. It’ll be very, very, very, very, very easy for you to cancel and you can actually call we have a phone easy. Anyway, that’s my rant on tariffs.

0:16:06 – Daniel Creech

I hope the women in Canada that you were telling me about, like me, are still okay with us, so hopefully we don’t lose them as subscribers. We can’t lose all our.

0:16:15 – Frank Curzio

Canadian friends, all Canadian friends.

0:16:16 – Daniel Creech

Yeah, anyway.

0:16:18 – Frank Curzio

I love Canada. I’m mining sector and everything. I’m in Canada all the time. I love Canada. You don’t have to justify it.

0:16:23 – Daniel Creech

Nobody thinks you don’t like Canadians, Frank. I did see a great meme on the internet that had Barron Trump leaning over to Donald Trump and saying the North Mexicans are upset.

Time to rename Link Ontario. You can’t laugh, that’s just hilarious. Quickly, on tariffs the Wall Street Journal had a fantastic incorrect headline and listen, I got to give them credit for going out on a limb here. You know everybody’s in the marketing business, whether you admit it or not. They had the headline the dumbest trade war ever, or something like that. It should have been the shortest trade war ever since. We have this 30-day postponement here. If you don’t understand. I’m not trying to sound like I know it all here, but let me just give you two cents of value.

Nobody understood and I mean nobody in the media understood Trump during his first term. Nobody learned a single thing. Evidently, if you don’t believe that this guy is going to follow through with a lot of the stuff he says, then you’re just going to continue to be shocked and continue to get upset, and that’s okay. You’re allowed to do that. The point is the knee-jerk reaction that I want everybody to be aware of and go against is whatever Trump says is bad is the knee-jerk reaction, and then it’s luck if it falls his way. So Trump’s going to do tariffs and Trump Frank is a big fan of president William McKinley.

Have you ever heard him talk about that, the Napoleon of protection and all this kind of stuff. And there was this act in 1890 with the McKinley tariffs and this kind of stuff, and I’ve been reading a little bit about this. And President McKinley didn’t actually come into office until 1896, if memory serves me correct. But let me point the picture here and explain the difference in environments, which is key, Frank, if I were to tell you that tariffs in the 1890s, when this was packed, went from 38% to 49.5% okay, that’s a hell of a jump 38 to 49, 38 starting. Now, I was using AI and the most sophisticated chatbots and technology that we have at our fingertips, Frank, and it is damn near impossible to get a clear reading on tariffs around right now. I’m opening this up to the Internet. Email me, Danielcorsierresearchcom, because the Internet is undefeated and will remain so, so everybody can send me great stuff about current Before yesterday, february 4th tariffs from Chinese imports, exports and all that kind of stuff.

The main point is we are nowhere near at 30 some percent right now, as it was back when everybody likes to talk about this, and they’re not going anywhere near up to 50%. Yes, trump can pull out numbers all over. It is a negotiating leverage tool and it works. If you want to continue to be fearful and sell everything, that’s fine. Frank has said not patting him on the back he was correct on buying the dips. We’ve been correct on buying the dips.

0:19:11 – Frank Curzio

So far, nothing has changed there other than the stone throwing, which is entertaining at times, definitely entertaining at times, definitely, definitely, definitely. So we talk about tariffs, we open up with politics a little bit, but in all seriousness, I mean, we’re talking about tariffs because, you know, just buy the dip, buy the dip on the tariffs. It’s definitely worth it and I think you guys do well on that. And plus, if you know, we talk about crypto. Crypto really really got hit. You know, bitcoin fell sharply, but altcoins really got hit and we saw the Trump tokens now down I just wrote this down it’s down from $70 to $20 and the millennia tokens down from 12 to 170.

Again, these are bullshit tokens, right, we’ve got these, all these meme tokens and shit and everyone’s. This is what the washout is going to do. We want this to be washed out right, because when you look at the next hundred 200, which we’re talking about and some of those got hit 20%, right, and some came back a little bit, but they’re still down. And, by the way, the seller, like DollarWise, is one of the biggest sellers we’ve seen in the 48-hour period in crypto right ever. But the next 100 to 200, these are names that I’ve been looking at where they challenge the Visa MasterCards. They challenge, like the recruiting services, indeedcom and all this stuff. They challenge them and they never really. They never really. They all develop. You have a lot of the biggest companies using them right and it’s just across DeFi platforms, payment platforms and disrupting banks and stuff like that but you’ve never seen them really get a ton of money pushed into them because there was no laws around this. And all this stuff is coming and when this comes, you’re going to see these technologies that are so freaking amazing that I’ve been looking at the next 200. So, if you’re gonna buy, if you’re gonna get into some of these, all cars we have about 20 22 in our portfolio, I reckon number one, another one today for, uh, for our crypto, uh, intelligent shareholders we we provide a special discount for that the other day uh, these names you’re going to see are going to disrupt so many freaking industries, especially now that you’re going to have a framework.

Now, it’s not going to happen right away. The framework it’s happening, but maybe we see a Bitcoin reserve, which I talked about. If that’s the case, you’re going to see Bitcoin go to 500,000 plus, probably in the next two years, probably even higher, and I went over the math of why that happened during our event, which we had. What was it like four or five days ago? And Incredible when you look at that dynamics and how much money is going. And we’re not even talking about Czechoslovakia. They said they want to push money into it. We’re not talking about Europe. They’re going to use it as Bitcoin strategic reserve. I mean, that’s not even on the table.

Just the amount of Bitcoin that’s being produced is so little every day compared to how much demand is going to be that it’s going to send it much higher and as it goes higher think as oil goes higher and even the decent names and mid caps, they’re all going to go higher with it. You’re starting to see it with gold. You’re finally starting to see junior miners turn around a little bit. Right. You’re surprised. We’re at 2,500, new record 26, 28, going to 3,000, different Go to 3,500, junior miners are going to go up 2X, 3x. We’re positioned in a lot of those names as well.

Same thing with Bitcoin. As Bitcoin goes higher and we get these laws in place and this whole entire structure in place, you’re going to see these fascinating technologies that I’ve been researching for seven, eight years that are funded by Anderson Horowitz, funded by Coinbase Ventures, the biggest venture capitalists, hedge funds out there. But now you’re going to see tons of money pour into this. I think who was it Grayscale just announced they’re going to. I think they filed for a Doge ETF, right, so you’re going to see more ETFs, not just around Bitcoin and Ethereum.

They’re going to be like structured around all these things, because now it’s going to be regulated and that’s where you have the money coming in, because if you think you know the $100 trillion in asset management which BlackRock says people should have a 2% allocation right, just that alone is one major freaking catalyst. I want to talk about the tax structure being changed and more companies putting it on their balance sheet now to make it easier. Now it’s going to be seen as a regular asset, not a tangible asset, with the accounting rules changing. When you see all these catalysts that are coming, it’s really incredible to see if you have a 12-month runway and going forward.

This is going to happen in the next few years. It’s incredible where Bitcoin is going to go, where these technologies are going to go, where the next 100, 200 altcoins are going to go, because these are fascinating technologies. Finally, that you’re going to see a lot of money be pushed into this, especially from those institutions. That money, that 2%, not just going to go to Bitcoin, because everyone has Bitcoin or whatever, and that’s going high. They’re going to want to get into other aspects of crypto, especially now you have the regulatory format around it and that’s going to get really, really exciting.

0:23:24 – Daniel Creech

Yeah, absolutely Quickly. I mean, I was not. I will say I was a little surprised on the big pullback in some of the altcoins, but it does make sense, because right now we still wear this hat in the crypto community of risk on, risk off. So if risk on is good, Frank, everything is basically green. If risk off is bad, everything is red. At some point, I wish I knew exactly when that will diverge and you will have coins, cryptos, like stocks, that trade independently versus just hey, futures are up, Frank, everybody’s good, let’s go golfing. What I am surprised about a little bit is the excitement is right there, but we want everything yesterday. And so, Frank, I don’t know if you saw any of the press conference yesterday between crypto czar David Sachs, tim Scott and some other representatives, but essentially and this is Daniel Kreese’s opinion but the Bitcoin community got so excited, the crypto community got so excited with President Trump, for good reason, and they want everything to be done already, Frank. We already want a Bitcoin strategic reserve, we already want clarity at the SEC, we already want all this kind of stuff and basically, you’ve got nothing. Now from a legislative standpoint, trump signs executive orders. There was some good language yesterday from David Sachs about reviewing and you know, not kind of looking into I apologize, can’t think of the word looking into a Bitcoin strategic reserve. They said that is one of the top tasks for this crypto task force. Hester Pierce or Pierce, I constantly butcher her name she put out a great statement yesterday that I was reading through and she lays out several points from security, status, coin and token offering, registration, offering this crypto task force. I encourage you guys to look at secgov and what she put on there. It’s a great piece just yesterday.

But my point is is that when you look at the first 100 days of any presidency, that’s an exciting time and you want to get as much done. You want to have one big piece of legislation at least, because you want to show the voters hey, this is what I’m doing. This is why you put me in office. Also, Frank, what does every election and politician think about the next election? So midterms are on everybody’s mind. Of course. My whole point is something will get done.

What’s amazing here is the risk of changed from is the government going to allow us and help us or attack us to how much is the government going to do for us, Frank, and I think that’s a huge paradigm shift Within the first 100 days.

I would look at this as an accumulation phase. I would listen to Frank about scaling into your positions over time due to volatility, because I think you have to go way out on a limb and hand an idiot a saw, Frank, if you think that after President Trump’s done his executive orders, all the hype he’s talked about pardoning Ross Ulbrich, which was a big deal in the crypto community if you think that in the first 100 days, there’s not going to be any legislation passed on, any clarity or anything at the SEC, I just agree to disagree and I think that this is a time to use that volatility to your advantage and buy some of those assets Because, like I said, the risk has shifted from. Is the government going to shut crypto down completely or are they going to do enough to please us? And that’s a good spot to be in.

0:26:18 – Frank Curzio

Yeah, no, definitely, definitely. So you know, for crypto, you know buying this dip, adding to positions. Here we take small position size at the beginning and we wait for this because there’s always volatility and we like that. We like that volatility because it allows us to add to these positions when they come down. Lots of traders will be like don’t ever add to positions. This is what we’ve done.

Okay, crypto is a different animal. People want to limit their losses. If you want to put a stop loss on crypto at 30%, you’d be out of every crypto position. You’d never have a winner. Okay, that’s how volatile it is. That’s why it’s very speculative, right, but it deserves a percentage of your speculative money because the gains that you could see are not 2X, 3x. When you see the mining cycle, junior mining cycle and sometimes the biotech cycle with small biotech stocks, where you get 2x, 3x, 4x winners, this is 10x, 20x, 30x.

We’ve showed those gains. Even on the presentation of what we made in the past, something was up 40x, 30x. I mean the portfolio. This is how these things move and why it deserves a percentage of portfolio. And now you’re getting a lot of these things really, really at a good discount because of just this massive sell-off, mostly from tariffs which reversed, right. So maybe you see a lot more money come into this thing, especially these altcoins, as the regulations come. So really, really good stuff. I wanted to talk about some stocks because it is earnings season and one of the busiest weeks in earnings season, right, fasp 500. A lot of big names report already, but-.

0:27:30 – Daniel Creech

Not only that, but two of your favorite names have reported Two of my favorite names. I was waiting, along with everybody else, to hear this.

0:27:36 – Frank Curzio

Let’s start with Disney. Disney is down 1% on earnings, easily beat the earnings. All divisions were pretty strong. Entertainment division lighter than expected. Also, they shed subscribers, which they it’s good that they I mean companies are very good to do this. Even I think EA reported and it’s up like 2-3% after last week or the week before, whatever they pre-announced the numbers and the stock crashed right. So expectations are such a big fucking deal when it comes to stocks and earnings. It’s such a big deal. That’s why Google which I’m going to cover tomorrow in depth, because there’s a lot of great stuff I want to talk about that. That’s what we do on our premium podcast. We really dig in and give recommendation and trades and stuff like that. That’s a premium podcast Daniel and I do every Thursday so you can go to curzioresearchcom to subscribe to that. I think it’s $10 a month, really really cheap. And again, we give lots of recommendations and go in depth. So I’m going to talk about Google, because Google is up tremendously and it’s down 7% on earnings. That were pretty good, but the expectations were very, very high and that’s okay. With Disney expectations, well, hey, we’re going to lose subscribers, which everyone’s like. Okay, we’re ready for it. Why? Because they’re raising prices and I still think that’s a huge negative.

On why the stock’s down today, even though they’re easily beaten, there’s two reasons why the stock’s a little bit down today. It’s been flirting, going up and down between the day, but it should be up a lot more because they’re easily beat estimates. The reason is they’re shedding subscribers. When Netflix just out of nowhere added 18 million in a quarter, which was insane, it was supposed to add like 5 million, right. So they’re adding while Disney’s losing. The other reason is they easily beat earnings. But yet if you easily beat earnings and you don’t raise full-year guidance, that’s a problem. That means okay, we’re cutting costs. So if you beat earnings by 10% this this quarter, if you’re expecting a dollar and you and you go to a dollar ten, you should be able to raise full year estimates by 10 cents if you meet estimates. So what they’re basically saying by not raising estimates is the estimates are going to be a little bit lower. Okay, because expectations just went up a lot for disney, because they did pretty cool it was. You know, overall it’s a solid quarter.

I just continue to hate the company’s growth strategy and it’s simple. When I look at Google and MetaApple. They have cloud growing services, advertising killing it. They all have growth initiatives. Disney’s growth strategy is raising prices. That’s it. That’s their growth strategy. We’re going to raise prices and that’s not a sustainable growth strategy. When we’re going through inflation, inflation is is coming back a little bit, yeah, it’s just. It’s not a sustainable business model, especially when you you’re raising prices on a service that is not a premium service compared to everything else out there Not even close. I mean they lack new content to really get people to that platform.

Compared to what Netflix, what did we just see? Squid Game season two coming out, new season of Stranger Things. You have HBO, max, prime, apple, paramount. Paramount has really been killing it. I mean I’m going to look at the numbers. I know they have a ton of debt and stuff like that. Maybe a buy here, because I can’t picture them not adding lots of subscribers, because the content with Landman is awesome. We just talked about Yellowstone, of course, was last season and maybe this spinoff is like 1923. The new Dexter is awesome. The new Dexter when he was younger was fantastic, awesome. The new dexter when he was younger it’s fantastic, uh. So you know, paramount’s really killing it right now and that’s what you want to see. That’s going to make you like, you know, they have landmines all over tiktok and you see these clips they have two minute clips and they’re funny. You’re like, oh, this looks pretty cool and then you’re going to subscribe to this service. They do a great job, by the way.

By the way, I’m going to make a prediction here. No, I’m going to make a prediction here. Uh, I don’t know who it’s gonna impact, if it’s apple, if it’s at&t or verizon, but my daughter just told me this, which I found amazing, and it’s and I’m hearing this now because I know about five people this happened to so what happens when you break your phone? You break your phone. Verizon, at&t are saying that you can go there and trade your phone in for free and we’ll give you this, I’m gonna give you this and this and this and all this stuff, right, and they sign you up to a two-year contract and we’re going to give you an iPad and all this shit, right?

When you transfer the data over which is a normal procedure, right, sometimes it can take an hour, sometimes it takes 15 minutes. When you transfer all your data because it’s uploaded, tiktok, tiktok doesn’t get uploaded. You lose TikTok. You lose TikTok. Could it be forever. You’re going to lose it, but you’re not going to have it for a while. And my daughter, my daughter, I don’t know why she, she took it off her phone because it got whatever. She was like, oh, let me just take it off her phone. And she said, oh, I didn’t have enough storage. I’m like why didn’t you just buy more cloud? But she said she thought it was going to get canceled. As soon as it got canceled for one day she’s like, let me just get rid of it. So I don’t know why she did it. She can’t get it back, yeah. So she looked online. She said the phones with when you have TikTok.

0:32:06 – Daniel Creech

Installed already.

0:32:07 – Frank Curzio

Installed already. They’re going for like $10,000.

0:32:08 – Daniel Creech

Yeah no-transcript.

0:32:25 – Frank Curzio

I mean tiktok. You don’t understand how powerful that brand is. Like people really miss it. They love it. That’s like their top app that they look at all the time and now they might not be trading. Now they they know what it’s going around saying whoa, because now their friends are telling them saying, wait, you’re going to trade in your phone right now, don’t fucking do it because you’re going to lose TikTok. You know a lot of people I’m not kidding you a lot of people like, especially young kids. These are people who love the new phones. They’re going to be like whoa, I’m not doing it, I’m going to wait.

0:32:48 – Daniel Creech

And that can take three, four months.

0:32:54 – Frank Curzio

But I’m just saying said that the glp ones, when you’re seeing you know mcdonald’s how it impacted, when you, when you’re seeing hershey’s, they’re reporting tomorrow how hershey’s stock doesn’t go up tomorrow would amaze me, would absolutely amaze me, because the stock is getting annihilated. And, yeah, coca prices are high and stuff like that, but it’s, you know, people like no, it’s not glp, it is. It is people are not eating as much sugar. They’re not because of these drugs, these these wonder drugs, where they’re losing 30 pounds in three months. Right, and believe me, I was really heavy when, if it’s hard to lose fucking rates sometimes, you know, I don’t work out, work out, go crazy. But you know, if you could take these things and and lose weight, which people are doing, they’re going to do it and it results in you not going crazy and eating those crazy things that you used to eat. So, yeah, seriously, just little things like that. You might not be to think it’s a big deal. It is a big deal, pretty much it is.

So when I look get back to disney here I looked at the top streaming series of 2024 and you know what they were family guy and gray’s anatomy. I mean, these things have been around forever, right? What about the new content? And moana was good stream, like over a billion streaming hours, uh, but that content, moana 2 came out and they did great at the box office, but it comes out in the movies first. So you know, when I look at Disney decent quarter, I still hate that growth strategy and I like other companies much, much better, like I said, that had been significantly outperformed Disney, disney, over the past three months, if you look from November 15th on, it’s traded sideways, it’s actually down a little bit. I mean, we’re talking, you know, three months. For the past three months it’s been trading sideways, so it could go a little bit higher. Yes, I think wherever it is, it’s not that far. Let me look really quick 115-ish, so it’s 115. I think that it’s 112. And the 52-week high is 123, right, but it’s like you,000. It’s a 52-week high. It’s great. It’s great, it’s great. It almost pushed up against that three months ago and then came down, but it’s kind of like this sideway pattern.

But for me, meta I mean Google will talk about. We’re going to talk about Palantir. We told you for how long Palantir is going to $100. We told you, and the only reason why I knew that is because, just it’s 2 billion alone, their total, just for oil. And they figured out how big companies can use AI, lower their costs tremendously, increase productivity, which means increased profits. And they have the formula. They’re one of the companies that has the formula which every single S&P 500 company wants, okay. So when I look at it that way, you know, for me, palantir we’ll talk about tomorrow too but Disney, right here, is it a buy. Look, if you own it, you know I wouldn’t tell you to sell it because the court is okay, they’re managing the business, okay, you’re seeing, you know, growth.

I think ESPN is really good because you know they have the agreement with Penn National with betting. Now Betting is like forced down your throat, right, they don’t care about it, about. You know, they’re killing people with betting, everything’s betting, everyone’s sports, like no betting. And commercials, now they’re like you gotta bet right now. Right, this second, uh, which is pretty crazy, but uh, I think that’s doing a little bit well too because of that.

Uh, their division, which disney has always been great at, is, you know, the movie division, the marketing division, right in the storytelling, and they’ve come out with a lot of blockbusters over the past six months, uh, when I see I don’t know if it’s going to get better from the blockbuster front. I mean you’re talking about Inside Out 2, deadpool, moana 2, I mean billion dollars and they come out with a quarter where the stock’s down and you’re losing subscribers for streaming, which is going to continue. So for me, I just there’s other companies that are much better that you could get access to streaming, whether it’s through Amazon, that has all these catalysts, right when it comes to cloud, when it comes to AI, which you know Walt Disney doesn’t have, you know, even when it comes to YouTube, did you see the numbers for YouTube? It’s the only thing I’m going to say about Google. Yeah, they were good. So, youtube ad sales at 10 billion Okay, 10 billion for the quarter. Do you know? That’s what Netflix reported for the quarter 10 billion, 10 billion in sales for the quarter.

And Netflix. What $450 billion market cap? That’s just that’s how big Google is. That’s how big Google is and that one little division is bigger than Netflix completely, which tells you Netflix, really to get to the trillion dollar level, needs to do something else, more than just advertising. They need to get into something else. That’s very, very big. Yes, it’s advertising. They’re going to do well advertising, but really get to the trillion dollars. What’s the next business? What’s the next thing that they’re going to do to get into that, just like Meta and Apple and all these companies Google, oracle, getting into cloud, getting into AI what’s the next big thing for them?

So I look at Disney right here. It wasn’t a terrible quarter, but they’re going to continue to shed subscribers, which is one of their KPIs, key performance indicators and when they do that, you’re going to see this constant like oh, it’s going to go up, but they’re shedding more subscribers because they’re forcing a bundle down your throat and that bundle, it doesn’t have great new content and that’s their growth model. I just don’t get it If that’s your growth model. I just don’t like Disney because stocks trade on growth and I don’t like the fact that they didn’t raise estimates. So, yeah, I don’t know if you saw Disney and comments about it, but again, I just comment about Disney all the time because I know it pretty well.

0:37:42 – Daniel Creech

No, I don’t. I always enjoy hearing you comment about the mouse house. I want to tee one up for you on AMD. Are you ready to move on to that? Yeah, go ahead.

Okay, because, as you point out correctly, expectations are what matters. Because oftentimes and I still do this you look at headlines and you see reports and you think, oh, that stock’s probably up or down and then you could be dead wrong. So, Frank, amd, let me say this you want to know why 69% growth year over year is trash? It’s because that is down from 122% growth. And that is all about expectations. Because if you read by itself and say, hey, data center, which is AMD’s largest segment Now, according to Capital IQ, it’s its largest segment by a smidgen, because basically 28% to 29% is data centers, then 27-ish percent is the gaming side, so it is its largest segment. That’s a fun takeaway and it is important.

But if I were to tell you my largest segment, Frank, and this massive growth industry is growing at 70% year over year, and you look around and my Florida stock is down 10%, it’s because that growth rate is slowing and that is the key takeaway here. Everybody is still worried about that, not to mention weaknesses and other offsets. So, Frank, amd has kicked us a few times. Are you happy with AMD’s report? Is it oversold being? Last time I checked it was down 10%. I don’t know what it is right now. Is that overdone or is it justified?

0:39:08 – Frank Curzio

I think it’s overdone here. I was very against AMD when we came out with an AI newsletter and said this is not an AI company because I think it was 40% of their revenue. Now it’s, I think, 55%. I think if you look at yearly statistics, I went to the core of the statistics and looked at these divisions, right, because it matters, because everything outside of AI for chip makers sucks. Everything sucks, even if you’re looking at autos with EVs, if you’re looking at PC, if you’re looking at gaming. We just saw EA warned right, so we’re looking at everything outside of AI.

It’s been really terrible for these companies for semiconductors, but AI has been taking. You know, companies have more exposure, like the Avagos, which is Broadcom. When you have NVIDIA, right, amsl, you have some of these that have, you know, more pure plays that are doing very, very well because AI is growing like a weed. Now you brought up something very, very good about AMD, because what I thought when we recommended we stopped out of it because it fell a lot. We were right and I’m like, okay, I think we’re there now and we weren’t, because more representation of the sales is going towards AI, their growth, which means the rest of it, gaming, and another division called embedded is also shrinking, right, which is good. It’s kind of like the IBM model, right? Ibm everyone’s like. Sales are going down. They were switching to services. They were switching to all this stuff with AI, blockchain, all these things that were great in cloud and hybrid cloud, which were high margin businesses, and they were getting out of like the big bulky shit that really just crushed them, right. So then they became a growth company. Look where IBM is. Amd is kind of trying to follow that, trying to get out of their shitty divisions, but they just can’t right now because they still account for a pretty good percentage. For example, the AI division generate 3.9 billion in sales for the quarter. That’s 55% of sales. But if you combine gaming and embedded, it’s still 20% of sales for the quarter. So if that’s the case, think about your business if 20% of your sales were declining and when I say when they’re declining, they’re crashing. Okay, you look at the gaming divisions down 59% and their embedded divisions down 13%, coming off of bad declines last quarter, in the quarter before, and what AMD say? It’s going to get worse. These aren’t coming back. We haven’t seen bottom right. So that’s one of the things. And plus, when you look at growth and you say, holy shit, this AI segment’s growing like crazy.

Remember, stocks trade on expectations, just like if you look at the cloud revenue growth for if it’s Meta, google, amazon, right, everyone was like 30, 31% growth. If you see 28% growth, it’s fucking amazing, but it’s not. It’s trading at these higher multiples because you’re expecting 30% growth. It’s a big deal. So when you miss that growth, especially in the segment that’s supposed to be killing it for AMD, you’re taking a step back. With that said, okay, you’re trading at a level right now.

And the reason why I didn’t like AMD because I didn’t think they were growing as fast they always had a high multiple. I remember it was 50X, 40x, 30x. It’s now trading at 22 times forward earnings. Okay, you’re, it’s now trading at 22 times forward earnings. You’re getting to a bottom here where they should announce a massive buyback. Okay, announce a massive buyback, have the insiders buy and that’s going to signal the bottom. That’s what they need to do, because when you do, now you have a company. Okay, you know the expectations are what? The expectations are super low. Now we’re looking at embedded, we’re looking at gaming. It’s going to suck, but now if you see growth in the AI portion, which everyone was telling you AI catch up to NVIDIA. We said don’t listen to that, everyone’s full of fucking shit and knows this industry. They’re not even close to NVIDIA. They’re not even close to NVIDIA. We said that they’re not a pure player, it’s like they’re the AI company. It’s good. It’s good. They’re not. No-transcript.

0:42:44 – Daniel Creech

But that’s an uncomfortable conversation. How’s your company doing Great? How’s yours?

0:42:48 – Frank Curzio

Terrible, Terrible. Well, it’s not too terrible. I mean it’s terrible now. In that world in that world, I mean, but AMD is now down. What I mean? The high I wrote this down someplace. The high was 227. It’s 107 right now.

0:43:04 – Daniel Creech

Basically March of last year, yeah, but it has a market multiple and growing more than twice.

0:43:08 – Frank Curzio

The average company has a P500. I think now this is the capitulation stage. Everyone gets out and you’re going to be able to buy this thing Again. I thought that before this thing Again I thought that before and we put a stop on it and we hit it in our trading newsletter. But we’re pretty close. I want to see something that changes this. I don’t just want to try to catch a falling knife here. I want to see something. Last quarter, I think it was, or the quarter before, when I saw AI sales accounting for a much higher percent, I just thought we would see gaming and embedded level out a little bit. And it continues to crash and fall to this hole. Let’s see inside of buying. Let’s see if they announce a big buyback, whatever they need to do, but that would signal the bottom to me. And then you probably see the technicals as this thing rises. But I think we’re pretty close to bottom in AMD at a 22 times multiple and they’re growing much faster in the overall market.

Again a stock we hated for a long time. We tried to trade it. It didn’t work. But Again, you want to hate the stock price, not the stock. Don’t hate AMD forever. Now, you know, at 22 times forward earnings you can’t say it’s an expensive stock For me. I always thought it was really expensive at 200. At 180, at 150, I’m like holy shit, this thing’s really expensive. Still, even though it’s coming down, it’s not that expensive now in the 100 area, especially if it goes into the 90s. I think it’s a screaming buy. But I want to kind of initiation by management to tell me hey, this is the fucking bottom. We’re buying the stock right now. That’s what we need to see.

0:44:20 – Daniel Creech

Yeah, insiders are always good to see that. All right, Frank, we got 15-ish minutes if we want to keep to our hour. Are you ready to get to the most important segment?

0:44:27 – Frank Curzio

The most important segment the guarantee, absolute guarantee, all right, just do the opposite.

Let’s listen up. So for my Super Bowl pick, okay, I’m an Eagles fan, massive, massive, massive Eagles fan. I thought I was going to go to this Super Bowl because I went to the one that they won and I also went to see my Kansas Jayhawks at New Orleans at Superdome, which was a couple of years ago, to win. So both times I was there. My favorite team won and this is also at the same venue, which is at New Orleans, and I didn’t go two years ago when Eagles were there and they lost, which is a game I felt like they could have won. I really felt like they got burned by a call and I’m not bitching about what I was getting. I really think that you didn’t call something all game. Guy was going to catch the pass and you ruined a really great Super Bowl. If the Eagles got the ball back and they threw an interception and lost, it would have been great. You shouldn’t let that determine the outcome. There’s a penalty there. Somebody help me? Okay, I usually break it down because I’ve been a football fan for 30 years. I’m going to make it very simple for you. My Super Bowl pick this year is the Eagles, and I’m trying to put my personal feelings aside, which is very hard to do the Eagles are just better than every facet than them. Okay, the Eagles are just better than every facet than them. Okay, yes, you have Patrick Mahomes, who’s the greatest quarterback. I think he’s going to be the greatest quarterback ever If you look at his stats compared to Brady. Yes, brady won more Super Bowls. His stats blow away at this point in his career. Blow away Brady. It’s really incredible. I hate the fact. The guy gets every call and even last game with the spots and stuff. I know the eagles are gonna have to beat the refs because that’s the nfl’s boy. I get it and I I not making excuses there. Uh, I’m a fan of mahomes, but you see it now, everybody sees it right now. It’s every place. You see it. Everyone’s posted online. Look at this. The spot was a joke. He was pet.

Not only that, two downs before that spot, they’re up by talking about the buffalo game, about the Buffalo game, the Buffalo game in the fourth quarter. Okay, they got the first down, they got the first down on third down and then they were like okay, no, no, the guy actually was past the 40 on and then he made the first down pretty easily the ref with the ball. He saw the ball because he tilted with the ball. So the ref on that side was above the 40. The other ref was below the 40 and that guy just started to walk down like about a foot or two and they didn’t give him the first down.

It changed the landscape of the game and it’s not that Buffalo should have won that game, but you played against Buffalo, who’s a good team with a terrible defense because they have tons of injuries. Not only that, in the middle of that game their best cornerback went out and if you’re a football fan and watched that game, xavier, who’s one of the fans of wide receivers, was absolutely five to seven yards open on every single play because they had a guy covering that either grabbed him and threw him the ground and got a flag every single time or he was wide open every play. You’re not going to have that with the Eagles. They have two of the best cornerbacks in the league. Another thing that I really like about the Eagles is if you blitz Patrick Mahomes, he destroys you, and that’s what happened kind of last game with the Eagles he destroys you. The Eagles never blitz, they almost never blitz because their four guys up front get to the quarterback, which means you might see him run a little bit. You might see. You know, kelsey’s probably a good bet for receptions. You’re probably gonna be dumped to that. Try to do screens with Joseph and stuff like that. But when I look at the Eagles, the whole package on offense is much, much, much, much better than the Chiefs, just statistically. Their defense also much, much better. Yes, the Chiefs have pretty good statistics, but they’re not the defense of the Eagles.

The only way the Eagles are going to lose this game is if Hertz has a really shitty game. Last game he was awesome. He was dialed in, he was throwing darts. If he chokes a little bit, I don’t know. He didn’t choke last game he totally outplayed Mahomes. He should have been the MVP of that game because his statistics went through the roof. Not only that, they were down by eight, he drove them down, scored and got the two-point conversion for getting the ball back to the Chiefs when they drove the field and got the penalty and actually just ran the clock out and kicked the field goal. So he’s up for that moment.

But if he plays bad, because we know Mahomes is not going to play bad, or if they lose a turnover battle, if they just have shitty turnovers, which they had a really bad turnover in that game, that’s the only way I see the Eagles losing. But every facet that I see, I mean I’m not just talking about quarterback to quarterback, I’m talking about the whole offense, the offensive line, I mean. And you got Saquon Barkley, who’s capable, he’s got to touch the ball, really have a good team. I don’t think they played their best game yet and if they do, if both of these teams play their best game, the Eagles are 10 points better. It doesn’t mean it’s going to happen, but that’s how I feel. With that said, every time I tell my Super Bowl pick, the opposite happens. So maybe I should say the Chiefs this way I could. You know, maybe the Eagles will win. I’ll be like okay.

But you know, when I look at the Eagles right now, watching them all year, the past few games, they’ve gotten better and better and better. You went into a hot Washington was really, really hot and they smoked them and they just shut them down and, by the way, washington beat the Eagles before that, but they were smoking them, I think 17,. Nothing before Hertz went down and then their defense happened to be on the field like the whole freaking game because they went three and out a lot. That’s when Washington came back and he threw five touchdowns. It was different this time.

So when I look at Mahomes really, really good team, good defense and they’re playing pretty good ball right now I don’t think they’re going to be able to put up 30 points on the Eagles’ D like they did with the Bills’ D, who’s probably one of the worst defenses in the league. They played a great game before that, but when that cornerback went out, they threw it to him almost every single time. Everything that he did, he either got tackled by the guy and then called a penalty, which was deserved, or he was wide open. That’s not going to happen. So the Eagles play their game. I really think they could win this game at more than 10 points, even though I don’t think the Chiefs had a game outside seven points. In how many years it feels like every game is within four points.

And then Mahomes, by the way interesting stat, I think it was 44% of the time quarterbacks on their last drive. There’s a 44% of those quarterbacks in their last drive. When it comes down to the winning drive score. Okay, and they scored a certain situation. Mahomes, you know his percentages, probably damn near a hundred, yeah. So if he has the ball back down by less than seven and there’s two minutes left and he has time, the eagles are going to be screwed. So they better be up a lot in that game because, man, that guy doesn’t make mistakes and he, you know he’s going to get a call here and there, just like he did last time.

I mean they should have kicked the field goal, gave the ball back to eagles two minutes left again. It was. It was sad. Everybody, even my Chief fans, who I love my friends were like that was such a bullshit call and it would have been good. I don’t know if the Eagles would have won. Maybe they don’t win, the Chiefs, stop them. They get a fumble, inception, whatever. But the fact that you ended that game on that call, which is a call that both teams were holding the whole time, they didn’t call play, because you really ruined that Super Bowl, which was one of the best Super Bowls I thought ever. I mean it was just incredible what both of those teams playing the balls off. So it should be a good Super Bowl, we’ll see, eagles are the pick.

With that said, I’m usually wrong with this pick, so we’ll see what happens. It’s usually the guarantee to bet the Chiefs, but I like the Eagles to win the game, but it will be interesting. I love the fact that everyone in the world, I feel like, is picking the Chiefs because Mahomes and the only thing, Daniel, I will say this Andy Reid’s one of the greatest coaches ever, and he’s one of the greatest coaches because I know him as the Eagles. You know part of the Eagles for a long, long time.

No-transcript. They play a really good game and they don’t lose a turnover battle. I think they win, but they have to play a good game and you can’t give away the ball. If you do, you’re going to lose this game. Andy, andy Reid is just fantastic. However, we have a pretty good coach ourselves that went toe-to-toe with him and I just feel like the Eagles had a very good chance of winning the last Super Bowl. So let’s see how this plays out. Just great game all around. It should be a lot of fun. It should be a lot of fun, man. I just feel weird that I’m not going now.

0:52:08 – Daniel Creech

Yeah, weird. So when you watch Kansas, it was in New Orleans. When you went to the Super Bowl for Eagles, you were in Minnesota.

0:52:15 – Frank Curzio

It was minus 26, wind chill 25. I actually took a picture. You’re tough, you New Yorkers are tough, holy cow. I’m tough, holy shit. That’s a different level of cold.

0:52:22 – Daniel Creech

Minnesota’s a different cold.

0:52:23 – Frank Curzio

And that wind’s coming at you, I was like holy shit. I was like this is really cold, yeah, but yeah, 20 grand. They’re charging 38% fees on tickets If you go to Ticketmaster if you go to Starbucks. That’s higher than the App Store. Isn’t that insane? Yeah, Apple’s like good job. Holy shit, we should raise our prices for the.

0:52:42 – Daniel Creech

App Store we have a monopoly on, basically, and Google’s like eh, I don’t really have, yes, they kind of have a monopoly Apple. So anyway, $8 million for a. Super Bowl what the headlines were across Fox.

0:52:54 – Frank Curzio

I saw Budweiser commercial. You see, he’s really good.

0:52:56 – Daniel Creech

And they said they’re going to be a AI, a lot of AI driven commercials, the Budweiser with the singer and the comedian Is that who you’re talking about?

0:53:03 – Frank Curzio

No, I saw the one with the Post.

0:53:05 – Daniel Creech

Malone, and who’s the comedian that does the Trump impression? That’s so good. He’s popular right now. Shane, yeah, but they’re both funny. He’s funny I mean the one’s a singer.

0:53:15 – Frank Curzio

But but the Budweiser commercial is really cool Cause it’s um no, it’s like the Clydesdale ones. That’s all I’m going to say. If you haven’t seen, you could probably see it. You can see on Tik TOK if you still have Tik TOK. But uh, and you can see it at. Instagram. It should be interesting. Eight million is a lot, a lot, a lot of money. Holy cow, eight million.

0:53:36 – Daniel Creech

You know my personal perspective about the Super Bowl and why it’s awful is because not awful just from my perspective, because I’m not a big like. I enjoy the game, I enjoy the atmosphere, I like what happens, but it’s not my big thing. And the aggravating thing is for a single guy like me. If I want to go watch this game, it’s great for everything else, but I can’t just go watch the game and chill out because every bar, restaurant, whatever, has an event. You have food and it’s all good. It’s just like man like. If I just want to go try to chill out, watch some of the game, you can’t do that.

But that’s a good thing overall and I love how all cities I just I think that even you don’t have to be a big NFL football fan. I mean I’m a fan. I’m not a huge fan by any means, but I do enjoy everything that goes around it. I think that buzz is popular. I’m sure New Orleans good for them for holding the big event and the buzz around there, even after the tragic events so far. But I mean it’s just good to see the entertainments. The bars, restaurants and everybody have events and stuff like that. People get excited, you get to root and cheer. It’s fun overall, so looking forward to it. Hopefully everybody enjoys that and the commercials.

0:54:41 – Frank Curzio

No, it is cool and I can tell you something about the Super Bowl is, when you look at all the sports here, I mean NBA is just like falling out of bed right now, it’s just terrible.

I mean just everyone’s coming down Like they don’t even pass anymore. Uh, you look at, the all-star game is horrible and what I noticed is that the pro bowl stuff was in um orlando and the whole stadium was packed and it was. It’s great because the players are actually hanging out with people. They just, I mean, you, have access to them. Seriously, if you’re a fan, you can go to a lot of these events and they have even when I went to super bowl, they have this whole event where, if you, if you buy the package there’s different parties you can go to that all free liquor and stuff like that. I forgot what the name of the one that I did last time, but I would do it again this time. It’s fantastic.

Even before the game, which starts at what? 6, 6.30, whatever it is, I think at 12 o’clock, they had this venue across the street that was open. It was massive. It was like this massive hall we have unlimited drinking and it had concerts going on and then like an hour, hour and a half before they walk across the street to a special entrance. So they have all these events going on, which is really cool behind the scenes, but it’s, you know, it’s when I look at some of the other sports compared to this sport, it’s just, you know, I feel like the NFL gets it right, like you just get it right. It’s just, it’s a party, it’s for everyone, even if you’re not really into football, you can watch commercials, which is cool. It’s like this event where all kind of food stuff like that. I mean you don’t see that for the NBA championships, you really don’t see it for a lot of different sports. I love the NHL but still no, it’s not like a party thing. But just compared to the NBA and what, even like the Pro Bowl and things to Minnesota, Daniel, it was really cool. It was like I was throwing a ball around with Kareem Hunt and you know you have access to all these players that you’re hanging out with. You can get autographs, it’s very easy. They have a Legends thing that you can go to too. It’s just really really cool that they do a good job with that, especially for the kids. So having access to that is just last year because, holy shit, was I pissed that they made that call.

But just be, listen, I’m okay. If the Eagles play a good game and the Chiefs beat them, I’m okay with it. Please don’t give it away with a fucking call. Don’t ruin the Super Bowl. Okay, you ruined it. You kind of ruined the Buffalo game with that freaking bullshit call. You’re constantly doing this with this guy. Please just let these guys play, let them determine the outcome, that’s all I care. If the Eagles lose because of that, that’s fine. I’m fine with it. Really I’m fine. Just don’t don’t ruin the game again.

Off of Help him up. If you help Mahomes up, after you push him on the floor, they’ll call a penalty on you for roughing him. You know, just let these guys play, man. They deserve it. Let the players play and let them determine the game. Don’t let the refs determine the game because they just feel like the last couple of Super Bowls, that’s actually what happened. Hopefully it doesn’t happen this Super Bowl and I think they’re well well, well well aware of Both ways and everything will be fine. Hopefully, and we’ll see and hopefully the Eagles get this win because they deserve it. They play really really good this year and they look really really solid, so we’ll see If they play the best game. They both play the best game. I just think the Eagles are going to win this game and it shouldn’t. I think they’re going to win down lots of earnings right?

There’s a lot of companies reporting. You got to. I want to break down Chipotle tomorrow, really worried about that company. I just I just think you know another company that’s relying on pricing power, not growth, and you’re starting to see that. I just went, my daughter went, to Chipotle the other day and she went to get sodas and there was no lids and there was no ice and she had to wait like 20 minutes for chicken. This has been happening to us and we don’t go to Chipotle as much, but almost every single time the experience there is getting progressively worse. I don’t know if the CEO is gonna be able to turn that around, but you’re talking about a stock like AMD that’s trading at ultimate premium valuation and they’re warning that, hey, we’re not gonna see the growth that we saw. That we saw, which is they’re opening up tons of stores just the way they could show really strong growth. They’re not going to be able to show that growth and now they’re kind of lowering it. So I’ll break that down.

Google I’m going to really dig into as well Ford’s reporting and Hershey. I can’t believe, if Hershey reports a quarter tomorrow morning that that stock’s not going to be up because the expectations are so low. Although Palantir, expectations are high and that stock blew it out of the water right, so that stock went up. So it should be interesting. We’ll cover those stocks and have our new pick tomorrow straight from Daniel, which is really, really cool. So it should be awesome. But we’ll see you tomorrow. Wall Street Unplugged Premium and questions or comments. We’re here for you, Frank@curzioresearch.com. Daniel.

0:59:09 – Daniel Creech


0:59:11 – Frank Curzio

And we’ll see you tomorrow. Take care, love this episode of Wall Street Unplugged. I think you’ll really love Wall Street Unplugged Premium. The Wall Street Unplugged Premium is my members-only podcast where I dive even deeper into this week’s events, where I’ll do even more than tell you what’s moving these markets. I’ll tell you specifically what moves you can make today. So this is going to be about trading.

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1:00:41 – Announcer

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