What's really moving these markets
cryptocurrency Bitcoin ethereum

The flood gates are about to open for crypto

Why crypto momentum will only grow… And should you buy this new crypto ETF? Plus, how Netflix continues to be the king of great content… Why United Airlines sees a coming bottom to COVID impacts… And why supply chain stress…

Why the “central banking cartel” is afraid of crypto

Frank Holmes of U.S. Global Investors explains why he’s bullish on airlines... how the internet has helped retail investors outperform Wall Street... why the “central banking cartel” is attacking crypto and gold… and a country he’s bullish on that may…

This housing market thesis is B.S.

Experts predict the housing market is near a top, but Frank disagrees… David Johnson of Imperial Helium explains why the gas is critical to our economy… Two huge lessons from Best Buy and Dick’s… and the “new normal” for crypto.

The government is lying to you about COVID

Kyle Fry of Digital Markets breaks down the recent momentum in digital securities… and where the industry is headed. Frank reveals where he finds his data on COVID… and dives into the latest numbers on the Delta variant. Plus, what…

Why I’m looking forward to paying crypto taxes

Crypto taxation has become a hot topic in Washington D.C… It’s even addressed in the massive infrastructure bill making its way through Congress. While no one likes paying taxes… the end result could be a long-term positive for the entire…