What's really moving these markets

Investing with

Luke Downey is editor of Curzio's The Big Money Report, which recommends the best long-term growth stocks. Luke honed his ...read more
Premium Publications

This is momentum mania, folks!

Luke Downey shows investors are buying stocks at unprecedented levels… which suggests a pullback is right around the corner. Here's what to do...

Prepare for a market pullback

Based on history, a market pullback is likely weeks away. Luke predicts late January could line up for a much needed retracement, so get prepared now...

Let the good times roll

Luke says the markets will soon be overbought. But the data signals that stocks have further to go. There will be clues of frothiness to pay attention to in the weeks ahead. For now, keep dancing...

What it takes to win on Wall Street

Today, we’ll take a look at how valuations work… and discuss two popular investing metrics that have already moved into an uncharted—and dangerous—territory.