When you turn on any financial news program, you’re likely to see some interview or opinion from a hedge fund manager. Some are more public than others when it comes to talking about their ideas…
Today I answer a question on who my top five hedge fund managers are… and why I respect them as investors.
I’ve been pounding the table lately on why I believe digital securities are going to give investors tremendous opportunity over the next several years. Listen as I answer a question about Overstock.com’s exposure to this sector, and why I believe this company has incredible potential.
Speaking of digital securities… We’re closing in on the soft cap for our Curzio Equity Owners security token offering.
If you want to invest at the special Curzio insiders-only discount, you only have one week left! Listen in for the latest on our offering… And again, thank you to all who have already invested and put your faith in me and my growing company.
Note: It’s not too late to own an equity stake in Curzio Research as we expand into one of the largest investor newsletter publishers in the country.
If you’re an accredited investor, click here to watch my short presentation on the benefits for Curzio Equity Owners (CEO) token holders… and how you can grab your exclusive insider discount.